
Jun 15, 2013
Marietta, GA
[COLOR="08000"]I started a new thread for your post. It is confusing to everyone when two posters are asking question within the same thread (Hi-jacking). Plus, posting your question in a new Thread is more likely to get responses. --duraleigh, TFP Moderator[/COLOR]

I have a few questions about the SLAM for mustard algae.

1. On this site it says "you first SLAM the pool normally, following the directions in How To SLAM Your Pool. Once you have completed SLAMing your pool in the standard way, raise the FC level up to the extra high mustard algae shock level for 24 hours." But how can I SLAM it normally and pass a over night FC test if the mustard algae is still there? Won't it make me fail the test every time and therefore I'll never complete the SLAM and be able to do the mustard algae level for the next 24 hrs?

2. It says to brush the entire pool and in the light fixture and things. I will need to get in the pool to take out the light fixture. Isn't it not recommended to get in a pool with my FC level at mustard algae levels (15 with a CYA of 20)?

3. I have a sand filter, do you think I should add that DE to it? And if so where can I get it? My ace hardwear didn't have it.

You'd be surprised at the number of people who SWEAR they have mustard but don't. Been there/done that myself. I'd slam it using two of the criteria........the exception being the OCLT. If your water is clear, CC of .5 or less........and you still fail OCLT........THEN I'd move to mustard level. If you at least know you have algae, the fixture should be pulled and scrubbed BEFORE starting the process at all. Wouldn't recommend using DE until very close to the end of SLAM to catch just the finer stuff. Pool stores carry it in 25 lb. bags. Borrow some from a friend if you can.
I'm pretty sure. I had the same stuff last year near the end of the season and thought it was just pollen but it was sucking up the FC (even during slamming) and mostly only in the shady parts of the pool. I never got it clean but closed the pool and thought I'd get it at the beginning of the season this year but it's back.

I passed the 2 criteria this morning but failed the OCLT so I guess that means I should jump up the FC level to mustard level. Thoughts on what I should do about brushing it now that the FC is already high and I didn't brush it yet? Specifically the hard to get areas? And while were on the topic what kind of brushing are we referring to? I just use the whale tail brush to do the walls and the bottom.
.....which makes me wonder why you haven't brushed it yet? YES. the sides, the bottom, anything you can possibly get to. And chunk in any toys, poles, nets, etc. that might have been exposed for at least an hour or so.
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