cloudy water low FC


May 28, 2014
South Easton MA
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
So I,m new to the site finally hoping break the dependence on the pool store. I ordered a test kit and am on my way. Now to the problem Im having a trouble holding FC and have blue cloudy water. have a sand filter and the pumping running 18 hours a day for a week.
tot. Chlorine 4
FC .5
CYA 60
PH 6.9 which I raised since this test
I guess my question is about slamming with bleach I have read the posts about it but really didnt see anything explaining the method. what is the safest way to add the liquid bleach?
The pool store told me to shock with hypo 4 packs every 24hr until I hold a reading of 1-3ppm
Welcome! :wave:

It's all right here:

Be sure to read the prerequisites. If you don't have those, you'll just be spinning your wheels and end up broke, frustrated, and mad. Like now, but worse.

Adding the bleach is pretty easy. You pour it in in front of the return and it carries it off and mixes it. Most everyone then rinses the jugs with pool water and pours it back, to get every drop! This article in pool school tells how to add each chemical.

Using the cal hypo will raise FC, but maybe not high enough each time to get ahead of the algae, since the target FC level is dependent upon the CYA level. It also drives up the CH reading and all that extra Calcium can cause cloudiness.
Adding the bleach is pretty easy. You pour it in in front of the return and it carries it off and mixes it. Most everyone then rinses the jugs with pool water and pours it back, to get every drop! This article in pool school tells how to add each chemical.

I rinse mine twice!

Your sure fire bet to dump the pool store and look good while doing it is to get a recommended test kit (You're well on your way!) post full test results and then likely with cloudy water and inability to hold FC, It's time to SLAM that sucker and show it who's boss: YOU, not the pool or the pool store.
The pool store told me to shock with hypo 4 packs every 24hr until I hold a reading of 1-3ppm

Just to clarfy on Richard statement. Adding cal hypo blindly (as in before your test kit gets to you) probably won't help, long term it will hurt. At a CYA of 60 (don't trust that number - it came from the pool store) your target FC is 5-9 and SLAM level is 24. Until you get your new test kit you can't test this high.

Hang tight, when your cl is at 4 add enough bleach to target FC of 10. This will keep you even with the algae until the kit gets there. Once you have a kit post full numbers and we will guide you through.

In the mean time take a read on the link Richard posted.

Welcome to TFP!

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