Depressed over intex leak


Bronze Supporter
Jul 12, 2013
Long Island, NY
So my pool survived the entire winter in NY with rain, snow and ice. I decided to add the salt this past weekend and pushed it around to dissolve with a broom. Next thing I know their is water around the pool and I'm losing water daily. First off I guess I should have let the salt dissolve on its own.

Anyway, I think I have a possible general idea of where the leak is coming from but I'm not sure. I bought dye and a syringe but it just floated around and did nothing. My only other idea is to drain and buy another liner.

Any other good ideas on identifying a leak? And even if I do find it how good are the vinyl patch and glue kits the pool stores sell? Is it just worth starting over. Thanks
Sounds like its coming from the bottom of the liner.... :-( You need to put on some goggles and get up close and personal with your pool floor.... Visually inspect the whole thing.... I wish I had a better answer for you...

Check the seams first, they are usually the first to go... Take your dye filled syringe and test all the seams....Then check every inch of the floor.... There are patches that can be applied to your pool even when its full... They've saved many a summer... :)
This can be a daunting task, but not impossible. You can do it! I had to do the same thing this spring. Typically, when there is a leak on the side wall, you can see water dripping from the side. Make sure the outside of the pool is dry and walk around the pool to see if you notice any puddles of water accumulating on the outside of the pool. If you are certain the wall is fine -- One thing that I did was section the pool into 4 areas (or even smaller sections if you want). Take your dye and syringe and start at the seam area and work your way around the area. When your certain you have thoroughly searched the area - move to the next area. It also helps if your pool bottom has been vacuumed to remove small debris and dirt - makes finding the hole a lot easier. Search each area and you will find it. I took a couple of (beer) breaks between each section, but I eventually found my pin hole size leak in the 3rd area I searched. I got a patch kit from Wal-Mart for $12 that can be used when the pool is full and they stick really well. Good luck in your search!
Interesting..... just a few more questions

1) did you wear goggles to get a closer look?
2) did the dye test actually work? did it actually lead you to a pin size hole. Mine just floated
3) was yours on the seam where the bottom meets the wall or just on the bottom. I'm not even sure you can repair a seam?
4) so how do you apply the glue to the vinyl kit? you do it outside the pool then quickly transfer to the hole and press down?
Interesting..... just a few more questions

1) did you wear goggles to get a closer look?
2) did the dye test actually work? did it actually lead you to a pin size hole. Mine just floated
3) was yours on the seam where the bottom meets the wall or just on the bottom. I'm not even sure you can repair a seam?
4) so how do you apply the glue to the vinyl kit? you do it outside the pool then quickly transfer to the hole and press down?

1)Yes, I used the kids goggles and snorkel to search for the leak....You can drain half the water-- makes it a little easier, but I kept the water level up in my pool. Yes, the dye test actually worked.

2)When I searched the first two areas, the dye just floated. NOTE: Use the syringe with the dye in it and get as close to the liner as possible when you apply the dye. When I applied it around the seam area and the dye just floated, I knew I didn't find my leak. Also, don't apply a lot of dye....just a little bit at a time. Also, if you have the pump running, turn it off and try to keep the water movement as still as possible.

3)I thought my leak was on the seam as well. It was not. It was a little puncture hole approx. 3 inches away from the seam. I didn't even see the hole at first. When I applied the dye in that area, I noticed that most of the dye started running in one basic direction. I kinda figured I was in the general location - so I keep applying the dye until I saw the dye disappearing in one little area - which was where the pin hole was at. I am not sure if you can patch the seam, but most of the time, the seam is not the issue....there a hole somewhere close to it.

4) You're exactly right on applying the pool patch....Once you have located the hole, cut the patch about an inch or two bigger than the hole and make sure to cut the patch in a circle (Helps to keep the patch glued to the pool). Once you have cut the patch to size, apply glue generously to the patch. Take patch underwater and stick it over the hole. Once applied, smooth the patch and keep pressure on the patch for about 30 seconds and you should be good to go.

If you have any more questions, let me know.
You won't be able to see without goggles, the hole will be very small and with just your eyes open underwater, things tend to be blurry.... The dye test does work as suction from the leak will pull the dye towards it, you can repair a seam but its a little bit more work, and you apply the patch exactly as you describe in point 4.... :) Apply the glue then submerge the patch and put it over the hole... Stand on the patch for a couple of minutes... :)
thanks that really helps. I have a general idea but I guess I need the goggles. I guess I'll look on the floor like you suggest. I don't even know how you would patch a seam. The patch probably wouldn't lay flat. I'm curious if anyone patched a seam ever
Patching a seam, usually means draining the pool... :-( But depending on how bad the leak is, you may not have to...:) Find out what you are dealing with first, then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it... :) But a definite yes on the goggles....
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