Drilling and Tapping Chlorine Injection Port - PVC Shavings


Mar 3, 2014
Northern CA
Hi All,

I have now purchased everything I need for a Stenner pump based chlorine injection system. I am a little concerned about introducing pvc shavings into my plumbing. A dry run at drilling a piece of pvc yielded a surprising amounbt of shavings. Any way to reduced what gets introduced into my plumbing when I drill the actual pool return line? Hopefully, they'll end up in the pool to be collected by the pool sweep, but I'm not sure.

On a related note, the Econ T pump I purchased is for "indoor use only" but will be installed with the rest of the pool equipment. Has anyone had luck with a poly enclosure or some other box to shield it from the elements? Does the pump generate heat that would need to be vented? I asked about a "rain roof" but Stenner does not make them for this line of pumps.


I will be installing a threaded T into my plumbing. Purchased at Lowes for a couple of $$$.

The best way to keep the shavings out of the line is to put a good bit of pool lube on the bit and drill slowly, cleaning and relubing the bit often. Even if some do get in there, they'll flush out and since it's after all the equipment it'll just flush right out the returns.

They do need some ventilation, but a cover should protect it.
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