Need advice, I cant figure out what to do with this mess


LifeTime Supporter
Aug 23, 2011
Riverside, CA
Pool Size
Hi All, We bought this house about 15 years back and were told that the pool was gunite but had some cracks so they sprayed fiberglass over it and refilled it. everyone I have talked to says they never heard of anyone doing that so I am confused wht they actually did. last year I noticed some holes and cracks in the fiberglass so I drained it out a few days ago and bought some fiberglass mesh and epoxy to repair it. of course murphys law came into effect and we had 30+mph winds last night and it got inside the cracks and made it worse to the point that I dont think I can repair it with the mesh and epoxy anymore. That being said what would you guys recommend I do to fix it? any help is appreciated

for reference, the material is about as thich as a penny, it is brittle and when I break it in half I dont see any fiberglass fibers so it leads me to believe that it is not fiberglass but I am no expert.

I live in southern california, Riverside so if you can recommend any good professionals in the area that would be great as well.


Thank you
It looks like paint to me, not fiberglass. I have never seen fiberglass do this. Also It would be considerably thicker and would more than likely just wear down to where you can see the fiberglass fibers an feel them as well:-|...ouch). It really looks like they went the more inexpensive route and hopefully used epoxy...except it looks like they did not prime it correctly.
I agree it looks more like some kind of epoxy/paint. Was there a reason that you just did not get the pool replastered? I best course of action might be getting all the epoxy ripped off and resurfacing the pool with plaster or pebble product.

Although may depend on what the structural integrity of the gunite shell is.
when we bought the house this was already installed. it lasted 15 years so it wasn't that bad but now I don't know what is the best course of action. I am having a guy come out to give a quote on a re-plaster and I will be calling a pebble tec installer to get a quote as well. is there another option that I should be considering?

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If I knew what type of paint it was I might consider using that again assuming it is considerably cheaper than the plaster job. can you recommend any paint that will work like this?
There are a LOT of options for pool surfaces ... some with beads, some with quartz, other pebble products besides PebbleTec.

Paint generally only lasts 2-3 years I think, so this was not a normal paint. I am not sure what it was.
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