Vertical clearance to remove lid from FNS 60 filter?


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2012
Sunny SoCal
I am planning on building a free standing slanted type roof over my equipment pad. I want this to keep the hot summer sun from fading/ damaging equipment and the winter rain off it as well. My main concern with adding a roof is the vertical height required to pull the cover off the Pentair FNS 60 filter. The manual says it needs 84" , which seems insane (does that include the helicopter). Anybody have some real world experience with pulling the lid over the grids at angle that would bring the height down a little. I included a picture of my equipment pad, just to give you an idea of what is located around the filter.

Any help would be appreciated...



Richard320 said:
I have the shorter version of your filter, and I don't think they're kidding about vertical clearance. The grids are right up against the sides, so there isn't much room to tilt the lid sideways.

After watching a few filter servicing videos on youtube, I think you are right. I might have to come up with another strategy like maybe a hinged roof section above the filter housing.

On a side note, I noticed you located in the same city. What are you doing to manage higher CH levels? I maintain the PH at 7.2 -7.5 and keep the TA at 60-65. I was able to keep my CH at 260 -340 all the way through summer, but now I'm measuring at 370 -390. I'm afraid my CH is going to run way up if I don't start dumping water. Any thoughts on this?
You could assemble a hinged roof, either one part or two part. Two part would allow the hinged roof to be directly over the filter while the other side is fixed. One part would lift the whole roof but might be pretty heavy.

Oops, I see you have already thought of that!
Killer95Stang said:
On a side note, I noticed you located in the same city. What are you doing to manage higher CH levels? I maintain the PH at 7.2 -7.5 and keep the TA at 60-65. I was able to keep my CH at 260 -340 all the way through summer, but now I'm measuring at 370 -390. I'm afraid my CH is going to run way up if I don't start dumping water. Any thoughts on this?
I don't think my CH has ever been that low! I do just what you're doing with low TA and pH at the low end. I also use pool water on the lawn. Same usage, it just goes through the pool first. And I capture as much rainfall as I can by diverting the downspout to the pool. If we'd ever get some decent rain....
duraleigh said:
You could assemble a hinged roof, either one part or two part. Two part would allow the hinged roof to be directly over the filter while the other side is fixed. One part would lift the whole roof but might be pretty heavy.

Oops, I see you have already thought of that!

Even though my background is engineering, I have to credit my wife with the hinged roof idea. In my head, the hinged area would be an area where water could leak through. In reality, a few drips of water aren't a big deal, since my equipment is working great with buckets of rain coming down on it..
did you ever build the roof? we are doing the same thing, building a shed frame around the equipment. I have a Hayward DE 6020, the manual shows 22" clearance needed above the relief valve. Anybody taking apart the same filter lately have an idea about the clearance?
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