How do you add liquid chlorine?

I know this seems like a very elementary question but I have searched and not found any recommendations on this site. As a reformed Puck user I have not been schooled in the techniques of adding liquid chlorine.

I have been taking my 2.5 gal jugs and walking the perimeter of the pool with them, usually start with a a quart or so into the skimmer and then slowly pouring around the edges, with the bulk going into the deep end. This is laborious with a full jug and I have dripped some on my shoes from time to time.

It occurred to me that I should use a a pale and mix with water too as you always do with dry chemicals.

Thanks for your (as always) quick replies!

It's recommended all over the site when adding most any of the chemicals to pour them in front of a running return. The exceptions are salt and CYA.

You should know how much you need to add based on testing and should be measuring that amount with some container and pouring it in front of a return.

How are you getting the proper amount in the pool by trying to pour it out of the large container?

I use an injection system to inject the chlorine so I just pour the bleach into a large drum.
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Bama Rambler said:
It's recommended all over the site when adding most any of the chemicals to pour them in front of a running return. The exceptions are salt and CYA.

You should know how much you need to add based on testing and should be measuring that amount with some container and pouring it in front of a return.

How are you getting the proper amount in the pool by trying to pour it out of the large container?

I use an injection system to inject the chlorine so I just pour the bleach into a large drum.
Sweet, an injection system to inject the chlorine! My method is reading the lines on the side of the jug, low tech I know! I have been pouring a good portion in front of all my returns as well. I see now that I have been adding it too fast and in places not recommended. I will repent and correct my ways.

Thanks again for all the replies!
Bama Rambler said:
It's recommended all over the site when adding most any of the chemicals to pour them in front of a running return. The exceptions are salt and CYA. .

Amazing how when you are reading your brain absorbs the information that you are seeking at the time and disregards large portions of the rest. I realize I do this frequently in conversation as well.
BoDarville said:
It is best to add the chlorine in front of a return jet. I use a plastic measuring cup (32 oz) and pour it slowly in front of a return. My definition of slowly is that the pour stream coming out of the cup is about the width of a standard pencil.
One last question about this. I like to understand why something is best. What is wrong with pouring slowly into the skimmer? Would this not be equivalent to pouring in front of all return jets at once? (technically it would be if I set my pump to recycle and then did this. I realize that the liquid has to pass through the filter first and this might block some of the active ingredients. Maybe I just answered my own question.)
The TFP recommendations are for ALL pools so we cannot make any assumptions. We KNOW adding liquid chlorine by slowly pouring it in front of a running pump works... Every time.

Pouring it into a skimmer may be safe in some pools, if you pour it slowly enough and you continue to filter and your pump and filter, gaskets are not adversely affected by high FC. Too many conditionals and could cause a problem.
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techguy said:
The TFP recommendations are for ALL pools so we cannot make any assumptions. We KNOW adding liquid chlorine by slowly pouring it in front of a running pump works... Every time.

Pouring it into a skimmer may be safe in some pools, if you pour it slowly enough and you continue to filter and your pump and filter, gaskets are not adversely affected by high FC. Too many conditionals and could cause a problem.
Makes sense! Appreciate it!

I just got done pouring a quart from a plastic measuring cup in front of my returns. This was easy compared to what I was doing so thanks for all the tips and explanations!

Now if only my R-0871 would get here! (Out for delivery with USPS according to tracker - thanks Dave!)

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For regular daily maintenance doses of bleach (which for me are about a quart daily), i pour from a bucket in one quick dump, in front of a return, about 2 feet from the edge of my pool. Then i take the bucket, scoop up about 2 or three quarts of pool water, and throw it on top of the area that i dumped the bleach. I do that twice, so as to churn up the water and mix it up a bit.

I havent had any problem doing it that way.
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It is best to add the chlorine in front of a return jet. I use a plastic measuring cup (32 oz) and pour it slowly in front of a return. My definition of slowly is that the pour stream coming out of the cup is about the width of a standard pencil.

so I understand the reasoning for not pouring in skimmed basket but not clear on slowly pouring/floating the jug in front of return jets. Why would it be bad to walk around the pool and unload a jug standing up with majority of it going in to deep end. Would this not get mixed evenly? Or is splash and getting it on clothes or skin is the concern?
You can use one of these siphon pumps to get your chlorine out of the bucket into the measuring cup. I have a stenner pump now, but last year when I dosed manually it helped.

the plastic will probably degrade after a bit but they are cheap to replace. Run some water through it after using it for chlorine.
It's recommended all over the site when adding most any of the chemicals to pour them in front of a running return. The exceptions are salt and CYA.

You should know how much you need to add based on testing and should be measuring that amount with some container and pouring it in front of a return.

How are you getting the proper amount in the pool by trying to pour it out of the large container?

I use an injection system to inject the chlorine so I just pour the bleach into a large drum.

I noticed in this response that you have an injections system. I'd like to learn more about that. I recently went away from pucks to liquid chlorine and am following the TFP method with great success - thank you. I have access to 15 gallon liquid chlorine carboy to be delivered to my house as needed. Price seems reasonable. Can you tell me more about the injection system options for my pool. Thank you.
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My preferred injection system is the Stenner peristaltic pump. If you do little searching around the forum for Stenner pump you'll see pics of several systems and threads about their installations. There are some pretty impressive installations.

If I could get a 15 gallon carboy delivered to the house I would use that as the holding tank and pump right out of that.
You don't pour chemicals into the skimmer because there is a risk of running a high concentration of chemicals into your pump (or other equipment) that could cause permanent damage. The high concentration could also possibly damage your plumbing itself.

As for why in front of the return versus walking around, the easy answer is work smarter not harder. The returns and moving water will do the work for you. But there are also safety issues involved. When pouring water into other water, the process of breaking the surface of the ware leads to splashing. Slowly in front of the return only breaks the water once, and therefore only has minimal splash risk. If you walk around and pour, you will get more splashes onto your skin, your clothes, the pool surface above water, the coping, or the pool deck.

As for how to deal with a large jug. Simply get a pool chemical bucket, aka a 5 gallon bucket from lowes. Pour what you need into the bucket, and then go pour that bucket in front of the return. You can even make the risk less by prefilling the bucket with pool water first (abotu half way) then adding the chemical you are adding, and then pour that dilution into the pool by the return.
if you pour walking around the perimteter then you are puring in areas where the water is relatively stagnant so bleaching your pebbletech is a bigger risk. if you pour it near the return in the deep end (at least 7 ft of water) you reduce risk of bleaching your PT. if you bresk up 2-3 gallons into 2-3 batches and just pour and mix with your pole you should be fine. somebody said pour in with a “pencil” stream - that will tale you forever and seems like overkill and increases risk of bleaching your deck because you are pouring for like 15 minutes. Just dump about 3-4 quarts near the returns with 6-7 feet depth and you are done in 3-5 minutes.

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