Jumping into the pool experience. Thanks for this place!


Jul 16, 2013
Hello everyone! I joined recently after installing my first pool, a 21' above ground, here in Fairfield, CT. Pool school has been an invaluable resource!

If anyone is up to providing a small amount of advice... My pool package came with an automatic vacuum. Tried it out for the first time today and couldn't seem to get any suction after plugging it into my skimmer hose. To be fair, I only let the pump run for a minute and when I saw no water flowing I was worried I'd damage things by running it dry.

Did I chicken out too soon?! Is there something I goofed up? The hose came in sections that connected, so maybe i didn't push them together tight enough?

Anyway, you all have a tremendous community here, thanks!

Welcome to tfp, Scooch :wave:

I get the air out of my suction side vacuum by holding the connector inline with my return flow until all of the air is out of the tube then keeping it underwater until hooked up in the skimmer.
linen said:
Welcome to tfp, Scooch :wave:

I get the air out of my suction side vacuum by holding the connector inline with my return flow until all of the air is out of the tube then keeping it underwater until hooked up in the skimmer.

Thanks folks! So helpful, this place!

linen, apologies for my ignorance (I swear I'll try my best to be a quick learner) but can you explain to a newbie what you mean by "holding the connector inline with my return flow"? Do you mean you keep the unit out of the water and then plunge it in once its connected? Or did I totally botch that interpretation and you mean the opposite -- fill the hoses fully with water first and then connect it to the skimmer?
I think linen meant for you to keep the vacuum under water. Take the other end of the hose to your return. Hold it against the return so that it pushes the air out of the line. You should see bubbles come out of the vacuum. Wait til the bubbles stop. Then, without lifting the vacuum line out of the water, move over to the skimmer. When you get there quickly remove it and insert the hose in the skimmer. This should only let a minimal amount of air into the vacuum line.
n8henry said:
I think linen meant for you to keep the vacuum under water. Take the other end of the hose to your return. Hold it against the return so that it pushes the air out of the line. You should see bubbles come out of the vacuum. Wait til the bubbles stop. Then, without lifting the vacuum line out of the water, move over to the skimmer. When you get there quickly remove it and insert the hose in the skimmer. This should only let a minimal amount of air into the vacuum line.

Ohhhh, got it! Sorry, I'm still getting up to speed on the most basic of terms, and I blanked on "return". Oops. Thanks!