Help with easyset intex: wrong way ring

Jul 28, 2013
Hi all , a friend of mine installed for the first time an intex easyset pool but it seems very different from mine .
It seems less deep and the ring in the wron direction.
Can you confirm me that the problem is the ring in the wrong way ( inline vs outline)?
Is it possible to address this problem withou the noeed of empty the pool?
Any idea.

[attachment=1:sqx57dhc]2013-07-28 20.03.41.jpg[/attachment:sqx57dhc]
[attachment=0:sqx57dhc]2013-07-28 20.03.24.jpg[/attachment:sqx57dhc]


  • 2013-07-28 20.03.41.jpg
    2013-07-28 20.03.41.jpg
    72 KB · Views: 188
  • 2013-07-28 20.03.24.jpg
    2013-07-28 20.03.24.jpg
    104.6 KB · Views: 188
It's been a few years since I have had a easy set so at first I assumed over inflated, but after looking at a few pics on google I would say its made wrong. I can't see the ring not popping by that point if it was made right, but it could be plausible but I still doubt it.

They need to contact intex and get it replaced.

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I agree, the ring looks way over-inflated, or is defective. It should have just enough air inside to be somewhat firm when it is cold. When it gets hot it will expand and get even harder, so you need to leave room for that.

Also, you need to fill the water up to where the side wall and the ring meet. This will lift the ring into it's proper position.

Good Luck!
Looks almost like this ring was made for a bigger size pool, then someone "forced fitted" it to this slightly smaller pool.

Since the ring does not contact water in any way, then it does not support this pool in the way it was designed to do, but as it stands now, it is adding structural support to the top of the liner.

The pool might still function as it stands, but sure looks weird.
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