Tips for re-leveling area for AGP


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2012
Hey guys. Last year was my first year with an Intex AGP and everything went fairly smooth. Now I enter year 2 of pool ownership, and have a question about re-leveling the ground. Last year I dug, filled with dirt then topped with sand, the area where my pool goes. Does anyone have any tips on how to re-level the ground after an initial setup? Last year I centered a long 2x6 and just kept moving round and round in circles until the sand was level, is that the best way to do it when you already have an "established" area (for lack of a better term)?
You need to dig down to a solid foundation which is otherwise known as virgin, undisturbed soil. Adding dirt and sand to fill in is never an alternative method to building an above ground pool, including an Intex pool. There is no easy way around it. Just dig in and go!!!
Sounds like the problem is that you used 100% sand, this is very confusing pool term that needs to be spoken better here. Pool base is commonly referred to as sand...but the proper base material is not actually true sand, it can be a mixture of a variety of soil types but never 100% sand.
My own pool base has a mixture of clay to it.
Anyways, you need a base material that will allow compaction, compaction will keep it from moving - if done properly. The problem with 100% sand is that it will not compact, to make it worse your feet can cause it to shift as can rain if it runs/pools against the edges.

So, it sounds like you need a different pool base material.
You don't say how unlevel your pool was last year. If it was level last year then you should be good to go this year. If it was off by one or two inches you could remove all the sand and remove some dirt from the high side. A thin layer of sand under the pool is okay.
IIRC, the thin layer of sand Ken speaks of goes onside the pool walls, not under the pavers, risers, or pool walls. The sand can be used to create wall coves or transition from the floor to foam coves(like in my pool). The sand it primarily a comfort or aesthetics item, not a structural item.
Sorry for confusing everyone. Last year people on this site helped me figure out that I needed to dig out the area, level it off with dirt, then put a level layer of sand on top of that level layer of dirt. Can't remember the exact reasoning they said to put sand on top of the level dirt though, maybe it was so people were stepping on sand rather than dirt under the pool liner? So I guess I literally mean dirt and sand. Last year it was very level, just had a barely noticeable (less than an inch) low spot, but that might just be me being picky as others have told me.
I hope I'm starting to make a little sense, appreciate you guys talking this out with me.
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