AutoPilot Digital question

Feb 8, 2008
Milford, CT
Is there a chart, listing, etc. that shows the relationship between cell Volts/Amps and salt level?

Ive seen a few posts that mention looking at Volts/Amps/Power level from the cell to determine "how its running" and that should also be an indication of if the salt level is correct. Was wondering if there is a full (or even semi-full) list of the relationship (i.e. Power Level 1, 23V, 5A = 3000 ppm, etc)

Im using salt test strips from last season, but the expire date isnt for another year. Problem being they are pretty far off from what the AutoPilot is showing me. I have a feeling the AutoPilot is correct (will buy another set of strips to try) but was wondering if there is a fairly foolproof way to be sure. Volts/Amps while running seems to be a reliable method, if it really is linear.
There is no direct correlation of the amps and volts to the salt level, because there are other influences such as water temperature and cell condition (new vs older cell, clean vs scaled). With the SC48 cell, the normal voltage should run between 23 - 27 volts. When the cell gets older or scaled, salt is low, or water temps are colder, the voltage will increase. These should not affect what the salt sensor is reading as it is independant of the cell operation.
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