Skimmer location


LifeTime Supporter
Jul 9, 2009
Does the lid behind a skimmer need to go in a deck area or can it be in a planting bed? We have several planting areas around our pool and both skimmers are on the border of deck and planting area. Is it better (or even mandatory) that there is deck around the skimmer or would it be ok in a planting bed. Deck is going in this week. Pavers.
The skimmer doesn't have to be in a deck area, but keep in mind that you will be leaning down to reach into the skimmer and pulling out leaves and other debris quite frequently, which could easily cause damage to nearby plants.
Thanks! It does not look like the lip on the clean-out hole comes up to deck height (my coping is about 3"). Are there extensions that can be used to bring the lid up to deck height, or above the dirt level in a planter?
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