Where To Aim The Eyeball Return?


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
Hillsborough, NC
A few places online say aim it down and away from the skimmer. Right now mine is aimed slightly down but straight out. I know I have a dead spot at the other end of the pool, that is where stuff collects on the bottom. What says TFP? Or is there no 'right' way, just fiddle with it till I get something that works best?
It takes some playing with but I'd start with it pointed away from the skimmer toward the wall and just slightly rippling the surface of the water. That way you get good circulation around the pool and stuff gets pulled toward the skimmer as it floats by.
I will start there. What kind of results should I expect once it is aimed correctly? The skimmer is catching a lot now. Will debris be more evenly spread across the floor? Right now there is a definite dead zone at one end of the pool.
Good question. I was going to ask, but I figured it had to be in the forums somewhere so I was still searching!

Mine are on opposite sides of my kidney pool - one blowing across the shallow end and on an angle toward the deep end - the other in the deep end, pointing across and toward the far end - this makes a kind of circular motion in the pool.

Both are angled slightly upwards - perhaps too much - and stir up the top water. It cleans very well by directing things toward the skimmer but I was wondering about other things: Does it not have an effect on the chemicals by churning the surface... almost like an aerator, but much less?
Well I am home today so I went and aimed it as far away from the skimmer as I could. The water hits the other side of the pool right about the middle of the long side. I will will see what that does. If I move the eyeball any further right, the opening starts to get blocked by the retaining ring.
By aiming it so it creates a circular type pattern around the pool you should help the dead zone but you'll still probably have stuff collect in the middle of the pool.

For the most part you barely want them rippling the surface of the water. That provides surface movement without distrubing it too much.
I sometimes throw a ping pong ball in and see how it reacts to different eye directions. I have a small pool and only one return. Circulation is good which ever way the eye is pointed but I'm looking to adjust it to get the surface debris into the skimmer.
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