looking for pictures of IGP with a very dark blue liner


Well-known member
May 5, 2011
South of Boston
our pool gets a lot of sun and warms up nicely. for future liner i would like to go a bit darker to capitalize on the sun exposure.

can someone with a dark blue (the darker the better) liner share some pictures? i'm also curious about pools with black liner - probably not something i would pick, but just curious about how it looks...
We just installed this liner the middle of May, we like the look of the darker liner...........[attachment=1:2q5wiiv5]2012-05-23 08.02.43 (2).jpg[/attachment:2q5wiiv5][attachment=0:2q5wiiv5]2012-06-23 20.13.07 (2).jpg[/attachment:2q5wiiv5]


  • 2012-05-23 08.02.43 (2).jpg
    2012-05-23 08.02.43 (2).jpg
    105.8 KB · Views: 361
  • 2012-06-23 20.13.07 (2).jpg
    2012-06-23 20.13.07 (2).jpg
    63.4 KB · Views: 341
that looks nice, DeeMac. thanks for the pictures.

to be honest, i actually happened to like light liners, i really like the look of the almost white liner. but being very practical i want warmer water to float in :) so i want to get the darkest that would still make the pool look like a pool and not a pond. i found some pics online with black liner and they refer to it as "pond effect liner.
We are a family of 6 and everyone seemed to like the darker ones better............I must say I have never seen a black liner.......I will have to go look that up now, but I am completely happy with my dark blue.
From what i've read here the heat gain from a dark liner is very minimal.

That said i have a darker liner. Here are a bunch of pic with different lighting/time of day for you

My liner is Blue Granite which has tons of border options, it also is available in the tread tex (slightly textured vinyl liner material) material for steps and the like. If i could re-do i'd get the whole thing in tread tex as it gives really go traction but is till smooth.











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