Algae and Solar Covers


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Apr 16, 2007
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Aquapure 1400
Since this is algae related, I'm going to post this here and wait for others to chime in with their experiences.

I have used a solar cover in the past with great success, as does my SIL who now owns my old pool. My dad just had an above ground 24'x52" put in last year and says that he can't use the solar cover because he gets an algae bloom within a day. I had one other friend tell me years ago that she could never use a solar cover because of instant algae from the cover.

He told me he checks the chlorine daily and doses accordingly with the TF-100 that I insisted he buy and use the BBB (which he does) when he got the pool. His pool is currently 60something degrees and I told him he should put it on to warm it up and he said NO WAY and referenced the instant bloom.

Is there a reasonable explanation for this? :scratch:
The only thing I can think of would be a cover you haven't used in a long time carrying algae into the pool, along with some other organic debris, and causing a quick drop in FC level, which could be enough to get an algae bloom started. I can't think of any way that would happen with a cover that has been in regular use.
The cover was bought brand new with the pool last year. I'm just stumped. I even asked him if the chlorine was on target and he said he keeps it at 6 minimum. They are surrounded by woods but when I was up to see him last year, there were no leaves in the pool when we did our surprise visit to see the pool so he is taking care of it the way I would if it were mine.

He just opened it and my niece was blue from swimming. That's why I suggested he put it on. lol
Well butterfly... I dunno! Why don't ya twist my arm a lil! :mrgreen:

Results at the moment are

FC 5
pH 7.4
TA 90
CYA 40 at the moment

I don't think this will tell much because he used the cover last year and doesn't even want to try it this year. It took all he had to pull the cover off this year since he's had major complications to his foot due to diabetes. He ended up losing his big toe because he thought he could take care of it. That started in Oct of last year and the dr just released him from his recliner a couple weeks ago. I know he doesn't want to deal with that cover.

It just baffles me is all. Ah well. I'll just go up and get the cover and keep it for my new pool! :mrgreen:
Just chiming in here with my own personal experience.

Our thinking is the same, that solar covers are nothing but a breeding ground for our problems. I had finally gotten the water to the point it was clear, TA down, no cc. Put the cover on and poof, nothing but problems...milky water, water boatmen, cc, etc. although wedding have any proof there was algae, the chlorine usage was indicating such. We pulled the cover off, cleaned it really well, threw it back on and problems again!

So we are electing to leave our cover off. My thinking is that there is water trapped inside the "bubbles". That water is a breeding ground for algae. Some of that water leaks into the pool or is "squeezed out" when we remove the cover and I think that is when our problems start...but it is still cool in the water, and this is our first full summer.

I'll let you know if we get the bugs and problems w/o the cover.

Is the cover high quality, really stiff like? I think those wouldn't have the problem we do. Ours is almost like blue bubble wrap it's so flimsy.

Good luck!
I'm not sure on the quality of his cover but he had problems with it right from the start, out of the box and onto the pool.
A bit of digging around reveals a few previous threads (here and elsewhere) suggesting that a pool requires some exposure to sunlight and the air in order to complete the various chemical processes that, among other things, allow chlorine to effectively neutralize algae.

The common suggestions seem to be either to increase the chlorine level above the standard by a about 1.5, or to leave the pool uncovered about an hour a day.

Would that thinking apply here perhaps?

Solar Cover causes algae?

So a pool cover does cause algae after all..

And from

Help - solar cover = algae?
Thanks gboulton for the research and previous threads. Am looking into this issue also because i just got a new solar cover and after leaving it on for a week and going 3 days without watching the chlorine (i know, my fault :)) i took it off this weekend to find green soup. water was nice and warm though (feels like was 70 but the water was 79! :)) last year i had no cover and could easily go 3-4 days without adding any bleach. Will definitely keep on top of the bleach on a daily or so basis (and might increase the FC levels a bit too, maybe 1.5 times the chart as someone suggested) from now on but will also experiment with letting the water breathe a bit, maybe keeping part of the cover (1/6th) uncovered or taking the cover off for a few hours every other day or so....

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I couldn't be happier with my solar cover. I can't imagine trying to operate my BBB pool without it. It has never caused any algae problems for me. I've had it covering the pool for a stretch of 8 days while on vacation last summer with zero algae problems. The cover is the perfect vacation solution for me as I use very little chlorine with it covering my pool.
I am fighting green too with a solar cover. My Linden tree has been dropping its flowers and coating the pool. It has also been chilly the last week, so cover on and no swimming. Pulled cover off and green. I believe that the solar cover traps the debris from reaching the skimmer leading to swamp water. More mad at myself as I had this exact problem last year. Now that the flowers have dropped, the little "airplanes" will start dropping. I am beginning to seriously hate that Dang tree. :grrrr:
Hmm, I don't recall ever having a problem and I've used one for years. I have partial shade and need it to get the temp up plus I have 2 solar panels. The only time it's off is when cleaning, swimming or if the pool water ever gets to 85. I do try to put the part cover that is near the strainer so it's on top of the metal frame for better flow. I also point the return eye about 30 degrees downward, it flows to the side away from the strainer so I get a good circular water flow.
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