Have you ever noticed??....


Mod Squad
TFP Expert
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LifeTime Supporter
Apr 1, 2007
Sebring, Florida
What a friendly, spam-free forum this is?

Well, it's all because of a lot of hard, sometimes tedious, behind-the-scenes work done by the moderators here. Their efforts are frequently unrecognized simply because most of what they do doesn't show up. You often see them answering questions, helping folks but that is only a small part of what they do.

You can probably imagine the number of spammers we attract because we are becoming a pretty active forum. This group has become super-effective at finding them and deleting their posts so, unless you get up really early or in the middle of the night, you seldom see a spam. We have even had a few instances of our mods catching a spammer while he was online but before he could make one post!!

Likewise, we have the VERY rare but occasional inappropriate post. Most of those involve clear violations of forum rules but some are just plain unhelpful in terms of tone or false information posted. These are usually gone very quickly but often, mods consult one another and arrive at consensus before taking any action.

I wanted y'all to know just how dedicated, smart and diligent the moderators are on this forum. Their efforts, coupled with Jason's computer skills, make this the very best pool site on the web by far. Post them up a "Thanks" if you feel like it.

Now, following that up, we sometimes have a silly contest here on the forum that is pointless but fun, nevertheless. I think the first one was when SeanB gave away a Shelby Mustang to the person who guessed the closest date when we reached a certain number of members. It turned out the Shelby Mustang was a plastic model (Sean is a VERY frugal guy) but it was fun. I can't remember who won.

So, let's try this one.....

The forum will send a new Speedstir (or a credit for the same amount if you have one already) to the first poster who can name the current mods IN THE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER in which they became moderators.

1. You cannot consult the mods.....most of their memories are too short anyway. :roll: :roll:

2. It must be posted in this thread....no PM's or emails....you gotta' put it here.

3. The "official" answer is kept by Jason and me and all the mods.......any one of which will post and stop the contest as soon as he/she sees the correct answer.

4. Only the current mods count. Even if you get the current ones correct but include a former mod (or me or Jason), your answer will be incorrect.

5. A list of the current mods can be found on the right side of the home page.

6. Don't use the "join date"....that may not be correct.

Good Luck!
Here is my guess;
Bama Rambler
Melt in the Sun

I do have to say Dave, this is the best pool forum on the net. Thank you Mods for all the hard work and information you supply us with.
Not yet. I will say this....one of you was STUNNINGLY close. Maybe the mods will have a few hints for you tonight or tomorrow.

I'm gonna' up the ante just a little. Let's make it your choice....a new TF-100 or a speedstir.....your choice!

Also, I hadn't thought about this but let's say each member can post four guesses but no more.

EDIT: I locked topic for just a few minutes to confirm something. Contest is still on!

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Sorry, Chuck :( :(

Maybe we can get a little hint for ya'll. Lemme' go to the back room and chat w/the mods to see if they'd like to toss out the name of the mod that has been here the longest, a/k/a position #1 on the list. :) I'll be back.....maybe tomorrow.... :gone:
Sorry, no-mas :( :(

Here's a little help, folks. The TFP mod who holds the #1 position for seniority is our JohnT. :bowdown: :bowdown:
He was announced April 16, 2007.

Many of you already selected JohnT as the #1 position, but now you can be sure it is correct :wink:

Okay now, each member can post FOUR guesses! Give it your best shot! :-D

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