Kreepy Krauly produces air in filter.


Well-known member
Sep 13, 2011
So Cal
Every day, in order to increase the flow of my low speed pump, I have to release the air from the filter. If I disconnect the KK, there is no or little air. Is it normal? or something is wrong with my KK. I tested and there is no leak from the hose. May be the KK restricts the suction enough and force the pump to suck air in from other places (pipe connections, etc...) where it shouldn't be a big deal otherwise.

Also, without the KK, I see zero bubbles from the return jet where I would normally see some with the KK.

This is the KK that is attached to the skimmer.

Thanks for your thought.
I am almost certain that you have an air leak......probably the hose for the KK.

The additional resistance the KK provides COULD be causing it to leak elsewhere, as you suggest, but I would absolutely eliminate EVERYTHING associated with the attachment of the KK before I looked elsewhere.

If you are dead certain the KK and it's connections are airtight, I would then suggest the o-ring on the pump strainer basket lid as a suspect. It could also be a valve body that only sucks air when the KK is attached.
I will get a new hose and see. Most part of the hose is submerged in the water so it's hard for me to think it's the cause. I know that when I replaced my new pump, I used the Plasto-joint stick and it didn't do much of sealing. I fixed the pressure end with teflon tape/dope and it stopped leaking but haven't got to the suction end yet. I'll take care of that too.

Thanks for the replies.
I will get a new hose and see. Most part of the hose is submerged in the water so it's hard for me to think it's the cause. I know that when I replaced my new pump, I used the Plasto-joint stick and it didn't do much of sealing. I fixed the pressure end with teflon tape/dope and it stopped leaking but haven't got to the suction end yet. I'll take care of that too.

Thanks for the replies.
This is a really old post, but dead-on with what I'm seeing today.
Here's the twist... I'm convinced my KK is producing air bubbles, the same way a boat propeller generates air when it spins.
The KK has a "back and forth" click-click-click..." action, where it's switching water flow from one inlet passage to another, back and forth...
Here's why I'm convinced the KK is generating air bubbles, and there is no air leak on the suction side of the pool pump.
I too was accumulating air in my basket.
I replumbed and doubly tightened all fittings.
Scratching my head, could not pin down where the air was coming from.
On my suction hose in the pool, leading to the KK, I have an inline debri filter that is clear.
I noticed it was accumulating air in the debri filter.
I thought perhaps the sectioned hose, partially floating was leaking air in... at the joints.
So, I submersed the entire hose to the KK, and also submersed the debri filter.
I watched if for some time, like 10 minutes.
With the entire hose and debri filter submersed... IT CONTINUED TO DRAW TINY BUBBLES INTO THE DEBRI FILTER!
I gave it plenty of time... and the stream of bubbles continued, with the whole thing submersed.
I then disconnected the KK, and attached the hose end to a manual vacuum attachment, and kept it all submersed.
Some may think I'm nuts... but I'm convinced the KK "generates" bubbles, the same way a boat prop does under water, chopping the water and separating air, from the water molecules.
Just wanted to share my findings and theory.
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