Rdal happy to find you


Oct 27, 2011
San Leandro, Ca.
Hello pool lovers;
I ran across this site while researching UV pool sanitizers. Your advice saved me $1000. We acquired a pool when we bought our house 25 years ago. It is a classic Anthony kidney shaped pool install in the '70's. It had a DE filter, broken gas heater and a little pump and pump house. I have nice southern exposure so I rebuilt the pump house with 3 large glass top solar panels through which circulated the pool water. I also installed a 1.5 hp 2 speed pump, a Pentair cartridge filter and a Compool solar control system. This set-up plus a bubble cover kept the pool nice and warm for 9 mo of the year, but the collectors rotted out about every 10 yrs. The collectors were getting expensive to replace so I put in a stainless steel heat exchanger system to protect the collectors about 2 years ago. This system seem to supply about the same amount of hot water but my need for chlorine has about doubled. I'am guessing that running pool water through hot solar panels, as high as 130* on sunny days, killed the algae. That is why I was looking at UV sanitizers but now I think my chemistry is off. Basically I have used test strips and added lots of chlorine and baking soda to keep the pool clear, but still algae is a problem. That's my story. How I off to the store to get a new water test kit!
Welcome to TFP! It would be best to purchase a service type test kit such as the Taylor K-2006 or, even better, a TF-100 from www.tftestkits.net. It is unlikely that you would find anything comparable to those kits in a store.
I bought a nice Taylor test kit at Leslie's and tested my pool water. As some of you probably guessed my CYA is high 100+, along with TA and TC. Ph is about 7.2. I guess all that Tri-chlor & di-chlor I have been adding has left behind a lot of CYA. I hope we have enough winter rain that I can drain off lots of water by string.
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