Loss test - at what point does the sun ruin your results?


LifeTime Supporter
May 4, 2011
When performing the overnight loss test at what point does the sun skew the results?

I'm wondering if I can add chemicals around 8PM, test before 9 and wait to check in the morning until 6:30.

Details: Currently the sunrise is 5:37 AM and sunset is 8:30 PM. My pool gets direct sunlight once it clears my neighbors tree, I would estimate that direct sunlight hits the pool around 7:30/8AM. Trees on the other side start to cut down exposure around 6-6:30PM.

I could always try it and if I'm showing a loss I can try checking earlier the next day.. are there any guidelines on this?
Re: Loss test - at what point does the sun ruin your results

On the Pool School reading I did when I was doing my swamp conversion it said morning test must be done before direct sunlight. I was doing mine at 6:30am (before work). Sun was starting to light up the sky a little but was an hour or more from pool direct sunlight.
Re: Loss test - at what point does the sun ruin your results

If there is any sun shining on the water you won't get an accurate test. So even if there are trees, if the sun can shine through them, it'll affect the test.
Re: Loss test - at what point does the sun ruin your results

I was afraid that would be the answer. So basically at sunrise that is my last chance to check before the sun will render my test results useless... 5:37AM :sleep:
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