Pristine Blue to bbb

JasonLion said:
Since TA is high and you are lowering PH anyway, you might as well lower the PH to 7.2.

Oops, forgot that you were lowering pH to try and adjust TA. So now find a way to aerate the pool, like putting your return eyeball to break the water surface, throw in a fountain, have everyone who swims splash around like crazy (just not too crazy to lose water :) ), or all three. Once you get that going your pH will rise again and your TA will lower, repeat (lower your pH to 7.2, aerate pool to bring pH back up) as necessary until you get TA to where you want it. Personally, when I first started BBB Method last year my TA was / is 120 and I was told to not worry about it too much and just stop using Baking Soda as a way to increase pH. I haven't worried about it, and for me, all is well. I have added a little Borax once, probably due to acid rain, but that's it. No wild swings in pH and nothing seems out of the ordinary. LOL and no I pushed your thread to page 3 ... sorry !!!
Jeff wrote...
P.S. Should this have been a new topic?
No. Keep your "story" in one thread so responders can easily get the big picture before answering.

It is not uncommon to obtain erratic results when you first start testing. Your pH and TA are both acceptable and can be finetuned as you go along. Focus on keeping your FC within the guideleines and keep reading and posting.


excellent posts!
duraleigh said:
Jeff wrote...
P.S. Should this have been a new topic?
No. Keep your "story" in one thread so responders can easily get the big picture before answering.

It is not uncommon to obtain erratic results when you first start testing. Your pH and TA are both acceptable and can be finetuned as you go along. Focus on keeping your FC within the guideleines and keep reading and posting.


excellent posts!

Sorry duraleigh, I admit you are right, best to keep "story" in one place. And thanks for the "thumbs up", just trying to give back to the TFP community.
Sorry for the late response. I tested sun. night.
FC 4 added bleach
CC .5
PH 7.2 added borax
TA 100
CYA 40 a little below
I thought since my TA was down already???, by P/C I added borax to raise PH. back up to 7.5. I didn't go on line yesterday so I missed your post. :hammer: I will check tonight and do as you say, and not add anything else but bleach until everything stabilizes. Lots of lessons learned here, thanks to you good folks. Still getting rain everyday also.
Water is still looking beautiful. My wife has come around and very happy now (not had to go to the pool store and spend our retirement). LOL!! :-D
Thanks Jeff,
You're doing fine, stay relaxed on the TA as the process to lower it could take weeks, not hours or days. Let everything chill, as long as your pH is not bouncing around crazily TA isn't a problem. I would test your CYA later this week to find out what your dosing late last week did, then adjust pool calculator for same. Keep your FC above 5ppm, dose to 8ppm the night before if you know the next day is hot sunny weather and the pool gets considerable sun. Test every night for FC and test for CC (adding 5 drops of reagent to FC final results) every other night for now. Otherwise all is well. Sit back, enjoy a cold one. That pool will be crystal clear by end of week, if not already. And I'm not talking just clear, I'm talking glistening, sparklypoolitis clear!!
Update! I have been testing FC and CC daily and dosing for FC 8. It has been dropping to 5 - 5.5 in 24 hrs. at this rate I know about how much bleach to add daily. Does this sound as good to you as it does to me? I tested all last night.
FC 5.5 add bleach to target 8 FC
CC 0
PH 7.5
TA 100
CYA 40
I am so happy with my pool!!! I don't think it could get any clearer. Thanks to all of you. :goodjob: This is the greatest thing since sliced bread. :-D
Thanks Jeff,
WooHoo!! The eagle has landed Jeff, the eagle has landed!!! That's about right in FC consumption in relation to CYA and the amount of direct sunlight you have. See how everything is falling in to place. I bet your pool store didn't have such "clear" road map for ya!!! Now all you have to do is to keep your FC in line, pH adjusted as needed !!!! Don't forget to double check your CYA this weekend, just to be sure she doesn't "creep" on you for what you added late last week.

A high five to you !!!!! :wave:
Once you are comfortable with the daily chlorine usage, you could probably start out at 6 ppm FC since it may only drop to 4 ppm or only slightly below with your 40 ppm CYA and should stay above the 3 ppm FC minimum in the Chlorine / CYA Chart. You should lose somewhat less chlorine that way. Your other alternative would be to use a higher CYA level, but I think you can see how things go at 40 ppm CYA but just don't raise the FC quite so high (assuming you want to use less chlorine each day).
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