buying R-0871 regagent


Well-known member
May 5, 2011
South of Boston
it's only 2 weeks into the season and i seem to running out of R-0871 (testing at shocking level uses too much of it and k-2006 has only .75 oz bottle in it). so i was looking online and there are 2oz bottles with drop snout and bigger ones without (16/32 oz).

i looked at my bottle from the taylor k-2006 test kit to see if i can refill it and it seems like one can't open it. so 2 oz bottle might be the only choice for me. can that bottle be opened and refilled? does it make sense to buy 8 oz refill bottle?

should storing in cold dark place provide enough shelf life for 16 oz bottle?
You should be able to open your .75oz bottle. Look the the base of the nozzle top and see won't it pry off?

If you store it in a cold dark place it will last a good long time. I'd still only get the 8oz. Hopefully you don't plan on shocking being a regular thing.
i looked and i didn't seem to notice it that the top comes off. maybe i didn't pay close attention :)

2 oz cost about $11 and 16 oz costs about $19. doesn't seem that they sell 8oz refills.

good to know i can refill my 0.75 bottle - this way i can still have it in the test kit box.

From Taylor
Reagent Size Code Explanation
A = .75 oz (22 mL), A-24 = .75 oz (24 pack), A144 = .75 oz (144 pack), B = 2 oz (60 mL, wide-mouth),
C = 2 oz (60 mL), C-12 = 2 oz (12 pack), D = 4 oz, DD = 8 oz, DB = dropper bottle, E = 16 oz, F = 32 oz,
F4 = 32 oz (4 pack), G = gal, G4 = gal (4 pack), H = 25 g, I = 10 g, II = 50 g, J = .25 lb, K = 1 lb,
Z = 1,000 pack, Z-10 = 10,000 pack, Z-50 = 50,000 pack ... ing=R-0871

Or just order it all from

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I know, I haven't sent you my log of how many times I mentioned your site. :mrgreen:

(tonight when I get home I need to post up [in suggestions of course] the spinning Mr Green, I love it. I know I have it somewhere)

waste said:
also, the shipping is as fast as Speedy Gonzalez :mrgreen: (Dave and Meg are THE BEST!!)

Ok, I feel the need for more bragging. The shipping speed is fast!! But the supplier sending quickly makes an even bigger difference. :goodjob:
Re: speed and service

I had Tuesday off so left the ordering of the 2 TF100XL kits to my boss. She didn't get the order in before 2:00, but, Meg still got them out that day :goodjob: :whoot: :party:

They arrived yesterday! :-D

I swear, you CAN NOT go wrong by using TFtestkits :cheers: :cool:
Diver said:
i looked and i didn't seem to notice it that the top comes off. maybe i didn't pay close attention :)

2 oz cost about $11 and 16 oz costs about $19. doesn't seem that they sell 8oz refills.

good to know i can refill my 0.75 bottle - this way i can still have it in the test kit box.


The tip of the bottle is a clear and the bottle is brown. Give it a pull and it will separate so that you can refill.
I know the 2oz can be refilled too.

I just had to break down and get 870 from Leslie's. Almost $10 for the same thing Dave has for less than $7. I have to have it today though. Darnit. I had my jar from TFTestKits with me in case I got someone that said "I have never heard of R-0870". When I showed it to her, she said "Where did you get THAT from?" LOL!
salvationarmy said:
Diver said:
i looked and i didn't seem to notice it that the top comes off. maybe i didn't pay close attention :)

2 oz cost about $11 and 16 oz costs about $19. doesn't seem that they sell 8oz refills.

good to know i can refill my 0.75 bottle - this way i can still have it in the test kit box.


The tip of the bottle is a clear and the bottle is brown. Give it a pull and it will separate so that you can refill.
I just practiced a little (I had never removed it before). If you grip the bottle in your palm and push away the tip with your thumb, it will come out easily.
it does come out, but in the process you might end up squeezing the tip a bit too much affecting the size of the drops and accuracy of your tests. it did happened to me, so in the future i would keep it in the original bottle
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