Broken Drain Cover

Aug 16, 2008
Cave Creek, AZ
The drain cover for our pool finally gave up after 15 years in the sun, water, and chlorine. It looked pretty flimsy any way. I need to get it repaired ASAP. Any recommendations? Price?

Here is what I know / think:
There are 2
It has a sump
It is approx 8" diameter
I got a much better universal-fit kit at a local shop for $32.00. I'm having difficulty getting the screws to go in though. Part of it is spending 70% of my energy fighting buoyancy (I'M FAT). And the other part is that I only stay down for about 45 to 60 seconds.

I think the screws get enough bite but are so long it is taking extra time. If I cut them shorter or buy shorter ones they should do fine. Then it would take less time swimming down and turning the screws.

But a weight belt and a LONG snorkel would be a big help!
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