Polaris Booster Pump head curve

I have never seen one but there is a way to estimate the head curve. Based on the dimensions of the impeller, shut off head is about 122'. The operating point for the 280 is 8 GPM @ 45 PSI and assuming that is on the pump's head curve, my best guess would be a curve that looks like this formula:

Head (ft) = 122 * (1 - (GPM/21)^2)

Are you looking to replace the booster with another brand or run the cleaner off a main pump?
My question was related to this post. I had never seen a head curve for the Polaris booster and wanted it for reference.

I was thinking that it might be suitable for use on other applications, such as running solar. I was also thinking about the viability of using different brands on different cleaners or using a variable speed pump to run the cleaner.
As Jason mentioned in the post, boosters are made for high pressure at low flow rates so they really aren't much use for anything other than a high pressure cleaner.

Also, most pressure side cleaners that required a booster also require such high pressure that a VS pump would not work.

You might be able to mix and match a cleaner and booster but without the head curves, you would be taking a risk. But out of all the scenarios you mentioned, this one is the most likely to work.
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