Holding pieces of solar cover together?


LifeTime Supporter
Jan 24, 2010
Northern Virginia
I just cut and installed my first floating solar cover on my pool. Because of the shape of my pool and the size of the solar covers, I ended up with 3 pieces. Two of them are very large and cover about 95% of the pool, the third is just a little sliver on one edge. A couple hours after I put them on the pool, the wind kicked up the edges that overlapped and flipped them over. I tired to hold them down with the pool brush and pool net, but those only worked in one small area.

I had a thought that if I could clip the different pieces together at the edges it would keep them from getting caught in the wind, but I wasn't sure what to use at clips. I had a few of those "binder clips" that you see in offices - - the black metal clip in a triangle shape with the silver metal "wings" that you use to pry open the clip. I used a couple of those clips on the parts of the edges and they seemed to work OK, but I wonder if there's something better to use.

I was thinking of a couple of (strong) magnets - one above and one below the overlapping layers, but they may be too heavy to float.

Does anyone any good and proven methods of keeping different pieces of a solar cover together?

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