Time to do it


LifeTime Supporter
Apr 25, 2010
East Tennessee, 40 miles west of Knoxville Tn.
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
The time is here to close the pool. Acorns and some leaves have started to fall and it's a bumper crop this year!
water temp is not to 60 yet but the acorns and leaves dictate closing in the next few days. I have a giant oak overhanging 1/4 of the pool. It's great for partial shade on blistering days but when the acorns start it's a nightmare!
Couple of questions-- I have polyquat 60 and plan on using it (unless suggested otherwise)
to inhibit growth while the temp falls. Extended weather is calling for a good down starting middle of next week. I will get the chlorine to shock level before closing also.
I have been using the liquidator since june and overall it's been great,thanks to the fine instructions from members on this site. Would anyone know approx how long it takes to empty chlorine from the liquidator on max setting?? I have the 3/8 upgrade. I have approx. 2.5 gallons left and according to the calculator this amount would bring me right to shock level. I thought of setting to maxium sunday afternoon and closing monday afternoon and would like to have the liquidator empty of chlorine and ready for water emptying, cleaning and storage.
The site has been a lifesaver for this first year owner. I buy my chlorine at the local pool store and have watched all season as others have bought many kinds of different chemicals (read expensive). All I've needed is the 100xl test kit,, BBB ,,and a little chlorine,pool has stayed crystal clear all summer!
Hi, Joel,

That a terrific testimonial to what is taught here and all the good folks who give freely of their time to help others.

I don't close my pool but I know a lot of folks who use polyquat 60 just for the reasons you suggest. I'd use it if you have it.....that's probably it's most effective application.

Flow on the LQ can vary widely.....I would hate to even guess how long it will take. I think you just have to open it wide open when you can be around to monitor it.
If you can get a flow of 5 cc/min on the LQ you'll empty a couple of gallons in a day. 5 cc/min = 1.9 GPD (gals/day). You'll have to test the water once your done because it's not fast enough to shock the pool and the sun will be burning some of it off as your adding it.
Thanks gentlemen... That's what I'll do. I reached 5 on the meter without any problems when the meter was hooked up. It developed a small air leak, so I tried just using the flow valve and checking with the test kit to determine setting. I kept the chlorine at a pretty constant level in the liquidator and this worked out just fine.
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