So confused with my test results!

Aug 22, 2010
Hi all
I have the Taylor k-2006 test kit. My test results are as follows
Ph 7.5
Fc 6
Cc 0
Ta 120
Ch 280
Cya 120 (has been 100-120 all season)

I was concerned with the high cya considering I have not added any stabilizer this year. I when to the pool store and their numbers are as follows
Ph 7.7
Fc 5.5
Tc 5.5
Cc 0
Ta 106
Ch 180
Cya 15

My test strips agree with the pool stores numbers. My question why the big difference with the cya and ch? Please help!

Pool is 25,000 vinyl w salt. Thanks
Welcome to the forum. :lol:

Throw away the strips and the pool store tests. YOu will find post after post after post on thios forum where pool store testing and strip testing is simply inadequate.

You have a very good kit.....use it and trust it.

YOu didn't ask but you need to get rid of some of that CYA. Carrying that much in your pool will bite you sooner or later.
I'm not sure I understand your question.

CYA can be added as a seperate item (usually in 4 lb containers) or it can be added by using stabilized chlorine.......that normally means using pucks.

There is really no other way it can get in your pool.
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