Help!! Algae in an Intex Frame Style -- Inevitable???


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Jun 28, 2009
This is my first year with a frame style Intex pool. I bought it used and it was apparent upon setting it up that the prior owner had had algae. I filled it; shocked it; brushed it; and all has been good for a month or so. In the past few days we have had a lot of rain and the water is now approaching the top of the vinyl. Upon inspection today, I noticed algae in the "v" of the vinyl in between the sleeves, and in the sleeves, where the top rails insert. Here is my attempt at a picture to explain what I mean (note, the photo was taken after I cleaned out the "v's" as described below:

I know this "v" part and within sleeve or pocket was greenish upon filling, but since it was dry I didn't really worry about it :hammer: , not realizing that eventually it would become an issue as people splashed, etc, and water from that area made its way into the pool. Once the inside of the pool itself was clean, I was happy. Tonight, with the "v's" full of rainwater and slime, and overflowing into my crystal clear pool, I was no longer at all happy -- visions of a green swamp will surely dance in my head tonight! :grrrr:

So, here's what I did this evening: took a ton paper towels and tried to absorb as much from the "v" as possible, scrubbing it and trying to get out as much green slime and water as possible without it getting into the pool. I'm sure some got in. Then I poured a 1:1 dilution of water/bleach into each of the "v's" in hopes of killing anything actively growing (because I wouldn't know live algae from wet, dead algae). I left the bleach/water in the v's. Then I poured in an entire 96 ounce jug of bleach into the pool, which should take my FC up to 20. Prior to starting the paper towel treatment, I had tested the pool and it was at 4.5 FC, .5 CC (unusual - I've been at 0 all summer until yesterday, when it was also .5). My CYA is about 40, but I've added stabilizer and it is not time to test the level yet. So, I shocked for 50 CYA in case I had over-shot. Then I put in a new filter.

Three questions:

1. Is there any way to know by what it looks like, etc, if the green gunk was merely wet but dead algae that was still in the v's and sleeves from the prior owner and which, until last night, had not really been hydrated? Keep in mind I had had my pool under-filled to between the two hose inlets because my kids were timid with deeper water until recently. Thus, the "v" area really was pretty dry until the last few days' rains.

2. If it is presumed to be "new" or live algae, how do I a) get rid of it from the v's and sleeves and b) prevent it from coming back? There is no way I can think of to keep that "v" and sleeve dry. Although I guess pool water should have enough FC to keep algae from forming, if it is rain water that collects there will algae always follow?

3. I'll take the solar cover off tomorrow to let the FC start to fall and then will possibly do an overnight test tomorrow. Does this sound like a good plan? Overkill?

Thanks for any help. Thanks to all of you, I have finally figured how to keep my pool clean, sparkly, and ready for a herd of four year olds to drop by and swim without a moment's notice -- I hate the thought of having a pool that is not "at the ready" when the rains end and the sun returns.


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Thanks, Crzy. Can you tell from my post if the slime was likely new algae or merely wet old algae from prior owner? Sort of wondering if raising it to shock level was necessary last night, but I'm so afraid of getting algae because I have such a tiny pump/filter and because I have such wimpy kids -- I don't want to start over with new, cold water now that our water has finally gotten warm enough for the kids.
PaulR said:
Algae is no reason to dump and refill. What you did will surely kill off anything that did get in the water.

Sometimes on an above ground intex it's the most cost, and time effective thing to do though.

(once one turns really green) the intex pump and filter systems boxed with these pools just aren't set up properly to clear a severely green pool.

OP....keep your chlorine levels up, rotate and clean your cartridges weekly and remember...circulation and chlorination are key with that small body of water.
If your FC level is up where it should be, don;t worry about it and will kill off any organics coming into the pool. CC of 0.5 is not uncommon.

It's most likely live algae, but will not bloom in your water if you have enough FC.
Thanks, everyone. I guess I probably can't keep it from forming in the sleeves, but I feel better that you guys think it won't take over the pool as long as I do my part. I run the pump at all times no one is swimming, and keep my FC about 1 or 2 over the minimum and generally target high.

Crzy - when you use the hose, are you blasting out actual green junk and if so, do you try to contain it, or just let it fly and trust the pool water will kill it off and filter it out? Or, do you blast it with the hose and thereby prevent any green from ever appearing?

I'm starting to think there is a real AG in my future -- or perhaps an Intex Ultra that has fewer sleeve openings to worry about. I definitely do not like this green junk hanging out near my sparkly pool.
Nobody likes all that green junk hanging out near the pool.

When I use the hose I just let what ever happens happen, hey I'm in the process of maintenance anyway right?

It works several ways, catch and vacuum what you can and let the chlorine do the rest.

Works pretty good for me.
Yeah, that is a good idea, Ob1. Might try it. So far, though I've had no repeat of any algae, so still not sure if it was new or dead that I cleaned out.

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