2024 Annual Donation Campaign

Sarah and Nate

In The Industry
Apr 20, 2022
Creedmoor, NC
Hi all,
Thanks to the fervent support of the TFP community, we have met our $10,000 goal! We appreciate all the users in this thread hyping the campaign and sharing warm and fuzzy TFP anecdotes. Completion of this campaign reminds us that TFP is a resource that people can trust with their pool and with their donations. We do not take your generosity for granted. We will continue to improve TFP and hope that you continue to share your time with us.

For the second year in a row, this campaign has exceeded expectations by raising our goal in 15 days!! While our donation links are always available, going forward we would like to focus primarily on this recurring summer campaign to fund TFP each calendar year. The campaign will be the only time we ask for your donations.

TFP is the best pool owner's resource on the net thanks to the many members willing to help each other, share their knowledge, and continue to learn. Thank you for being a part of it!


Pool owners helping pool owners.

This simple idea is what created Trouble Free Pool and what keeps it running more than 15 years later. If you have ever contributed your time to helping a fellow TFP user, or if you have contributed money to keep TFP online - THANK YOU for your generosity!

Last year we asked for donations from our community to secure our plans for 2023. The overwhelming response to the campaign reminded us how incredible the TFP community is! This year, our goal is to raise $10,000 by August 31st, 2023. These donations allow us to keep the website online through 2024, perform needed maintenance, and improve our resources for pool owners everywhere. This campaign is, and will always be, our only fundraising effort each year.

Click here to donate to Trouble Free Pool

TFP is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and donations from our users keep our forums and content free of advertisements. If TFP or our community has helped you through a swimming pool issue that could have been complicated and costly, please consider putting some of the money saved towards our 2024 Campaign so that we may continue helping other pool owners.

As a TFP supporter, you will receive discounts to online retailers, free TFP merchandise, and a recognition badge on our forums. As a new perk this year, pool cleaner manufacturer Aiper has offered us an exclusive discount code for all TFP supporters, old and new. This code is only active until the end of the 2024 Campaign on August 31st. Anyone who donates during this campaign will receive a 2024 Campaign Trophy to display proudly on their forums profile as well.

On behalf of the administration, we would like to again thank all of you who have donated to TFP.

Sarah and Nate Griesedieck
[email protected]
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Ok folks. For the next member to donate and call me out, I will make my own donation.

I'm always spending everyone else's money making you SLAM / go SWG / replace a liner / build a deeper pool.

Here's your chance to pay me back.

I will create a slight breach if etiquette and go right for the throat.

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So. With that out of the way, it brings me to my next order of business.

I'd like any who joined the campaign to tell us why they wanted to pay it forward.

I'll go first. Today at work, was a total comedy of errors beyond my control and I had LOTS of downtime. Like the whole day. TFP kept me entertained all day while helping others. Even as somebody on the help*ing* side, it's a valuable resource.

Most days I still learn things, and some days I learn A LOT of things. And Lord knows I've taken my share of help too.

So. I concocted my little scheme to get somebody else to donate too. THANKS Maddie.

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Ok folks. For the next member to donate and call me out, I will make my own donation.

I'm always spending everyone else's money making you SLAM / go SWG / replace a liner / build a deeper pool.

Here's your chance to pay me back.

I will create a slight breach if etiquette and go right for the throat.

I donated two days ago... Does that still count?
So. With that out of the way, it brings me to my next order of business.

I'd like any who joined the campaign to tell us why they wanted to pay it forward.
Quite simply, TFP saves me money, hassle and time, so why wouldn't I give some of it back to them ?

More seriously, my grandson has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a rare genetic muscle-related disease that slowly robs him of muscle strength. For those of an age, he's one of Jerry's Kids. Swimming is a good, very low impact activity he can do (the water takes the weight off, so less muscles required). We specifically bought the house with the pool so that he had greater access to one beyond his weekly swimming sessions at a local school. His therapists have said that his continued ambulatory status is a direct result of him swimming regularly. Most boys with his condition are wheelchair bound by this point, so, having a clean pool, ready to go at a moments notice is essential so that my grandson can play for an hour or two, either with his friends or just with us. How much is that worth ?

Oh, and I'm a badge-*****, and they said there was a new one for this campaign....
As of 11:00 EST today, we've raised $5,700 towards our goal of $10,000. The passion for TFP is palpable in this thread!

Sarah and I are very proud of this community. Not only do we have a strong portfolio of resources for handling all things pool and spa, we also have incredible users who volunteer their time and knowledge to help others. This success is possible because of donations from people who see the value of what TFP has to offer and want to pay it forward. Thank you ALL!

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