solar cover with rain?


Bronze Supporter
LifeTime Supporter
Feb 25, 2008
Los Gatos, CA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-60
I finally decided to try a solar cover in my odd-shaped pool. Turned on the solar a little early this year and the temps are climbing, even on windy days, which I am liking so far. The reel is still an issue so I haven't hooked up the large cover I have to the reel yet because I am still waffling between cutting it and using the Solar Roller that I got or trying to get a regular reel to work in very little deck space that I have inside the safety fence. Anyhow, I need some help to install the Solar Roller so that has to wait.

I put it in the pool thinking we are done with rainy season in CA, but apparently we are getting some late rain next week. Should I take the cover off the pool on rainy days? If I don't, do I need to drain the cover after the rain to keep mosquitoes at bay?
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