Pool Light at end or side


Silver Supporter
Jan 7, 2019
I’m putting in a 17x34 rectangle. I have scheduled one colorlogic in the spa and one in the pool.

See pic below. They shoe the pool light at the 17’ end under the spa pointing away from the spa. Should it be there or on the 35’ side.


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True it's not very deep but it won't be overly bright for sure with one. Especially with it on the long side. There will be large side shadows next to the light. I know that it is best practice to put lights away or parallel to the house or primary seating area, but if you do go with one pool light the best distribution will be on the spa end.
What color will the plaster be? One light with white should work. Dark color may need more light.

Similarly if you intend to use light colors other than white you may need more than one light.

White light, in white pool works well. After that more lights may be needed.

You are looking for enough light that you can see something in the bottom of the pool. You don’t have to be able to read from it.
You should consider more lights in the pool if it's not cost prohibitive. My pool is the same size, and we have 3 lights -- which is just about right, any less and there would be dark areas. Ours are along the long side of the pool, facing away from the house.
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Ours is about 38' long and we have 3 color logic 320's in the main body of water. I think any less wouldn't be enough light for us. We have 'Aqua White' plaster. Here's a night pic for reference, this is on the light blue light color setting and the light output set to 100%:

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