Cold Temps in the South


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Apr 1, 2007
Sebring, Florida
As I read all of us Southerners posting in desperation about our 20 degree weather, I have a good mental image of folks North of Richmond having a good belly laugh.

Shoot, ya'll aint seen nothin' yet......wait 'til they forecast some snow.

At the first announcement that it might snow, we all jump in our cars and drive madly to the Winn-Dixie or Piggly-Wiggly (I think ya'll call 'em "grocery stores" up there) so we can strip the shelves of all bread and milk.

On the way home, we drive straight into a ditch at the first sign of a snowflake and then call for help. We've been doin' this for's a ritual! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Dave, well do i remember my winters in Richmond where, when the evil "S" word came into the forecast, Ukrops(grocery store chain) would sell out of milk, bread and toilet paper within a couple hours :-D

I also remember the good 'ol boys thinking that their 4 wheel drive trucks would be able to stop on ice :lol:

Coming from the north, it was amusing to watch the mild hysteria a couple inches of snow would cause :mrgreen:

Hope you and your pool are surviving this cold snap :cheers:
The lines at the local grocery store were 5 people deep and every lane was open. Milk is almost gone....People are panicking because they are forecasting a winter storm warning and up to a foot of snow in some areas. We've had temps in the teens for more than a week now, since Christmas -the last time it snowed.

So ready for April...... :roll:
frustratedpoolmom said:
The lines at the local grocery store were 5 people deep and every lane was open. Milk is almost gone....People are panicking because they are forecasting a winter storm warning and up to a foot of snow in some areas. We've had temps in the teens for more than a week now, since Christmas -the last time it snowed.

So ready for April...... :roll:
The same here in middle Tennessee Ann. We're only suppose to get 2-4". I too am soooooo ready for April :-D
I went to the store this evening for some bread and milk for dinner... ALL the PEPSI was gone! :shock:

There must be a bad storm brewing or someone needed a PEPSI fix! :lol: Ghesh.
waste said:
I also remember the good 'ol boys thinking that their 4 wheel drive trucks would be able to stop on ice :lol:

Coming from the north, it was amusing to watch the mild hysteria a couple inches of snow would cause :mrgreen:
From a distance, you betcha! But I don't wanna be sharing the road with them.

To be fair, New Englanders tend to get over-excited when a hurricane blows through. I remember right before Gloria, when I was doing my weekly shopping and there was exactly one loaf left on the shelf.
I stopped at the store last night becasue I got a craving for a hot ham and cheese sandwich. I got THE LAST LOAF of bread...It did not even occur to me ALL the hoarders would be out ahead of the storm...6 more inches of snow last night at 4 degrees this morning.

It is rather amusing even having grown up in this state. Not the first flake of snow has fallen and every school in Mid TN is closed! I guess they feel that it's better safe than sorry. The memory still lingers around here from Feb. 03 when we had 3 inches fall in an hour and 8 inches total before it was all over and the whole city was in shutdown and gridlock because we didn't take it seriously! Not many of us will forget that, huh fellow Mid TNers?? :lol:

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midtngal said:
It is rather amusing even having grown up in this state. Not the first flake of snow has fallen and every school in Mid TN is closed! I guess they feel that it's better safe than sorry. The memory still lingers around here from Feb. 03 when we had 3 inches fall in an hour and 8 inches total before it was all over and the whole city was in shutdown and gridlock because we didn't take it seriously! Not many of us will forget that, huh fellow Mid TNers?? :lol:

Yup, I remember that storm. People were stranded in their vehicles on the interstate for hours and hours. Took me two hours to get home from downtown to Hendersonville because of all the people who were out who couldn't drive in snow.
One year when DH and I were dating, I was working in the city and it was Valentines Day. We had a huge snowstorm and Chicago was brought to it's knees. DH was at NIU about 1 1/2 hours away. He left DeKalb at 1:30 in the afternoon. Guess what time he finally showed up at my job? 6pm. Guess what time we made it back to my house on the South side (normally a 30 min commute)? 10:30 pm. Now THAT was fun.
frustratedpoolmom said:
One year when DH and I were dating, I was working in the city and it was Valentines Day. We had a huge snowstorm and Chicago was brought to it's knees. DH was at NIU about 1 1/2 hours away. He left DeKalb at 1:30 in the afternoon. Guess what time he finally showed up at my job? 6pm. Guess what time we made it back to my house on the South side (normally a 30 min commute)? 10:30 pm. Now THAT was fun.

Ann, this is a family friendly site :|

I can imagine how you kept each other warm during the 4 1/2 hours in that cold and lonely car :wink: (No wonder you married him :goodjob: )

:p :lol:
Took me two hours to get home from downtown to Hendersonville because of all the people who were out who couldn't drive in snow.

:lol: Got ya beat Mike! It took me 7 (that's SEVEN) hours to get home that day! I kept trying to go different routes and should have just stayed the course. Finally ended up on Lebanon Rd. with one of those good old boys Duraleigh was talking about trying to squeeze in between me and the car in front of me (about 5 feet of space) spinning his wheels in the ice! Thought I was gonna have to get out and open a can...! :shock:
midtngal said:
Took me two hours to get home from downtown to Hendersonville because of all the people who were out who couldn't drive in snow.

:lol: Got ya beat Mike! It took me 7 (that's SEVEN) hours to get home that day! I kept trying to go different routes and should have just stayed the course. Finally ended up on Lebanon Rd. with one of those good old boys Duraleigh was talking about trying to squeeze in between me and the car in front of me (about 5 feet of space) spinning his wheels in the ice! Thought I was gonna have to get out and open a can...! :shock:
:lol: :lol: I finally got tired of creeping along on Ellington Parkway so I pulled out into the left hand lane and motored on. Everyone was in the right hand lane, left hand lane was wide open. Course, it helped that I had 4WD.. :mrgreen:
Its Dang cold here in NC!!!! Tell you what, we got about an inch of snow fall and on my way home from work My truck went in to 4x4 for the first time in its life. Owned since new. Bought it back in 02 as an 03 model. LOL I was amazed it worked. I know an inch of snow aint much, but for somebody that has only heard of this "snow" by watching tv. It was a must lol. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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