Spa Losing Water when Pump is off overnight


Silver Supporter
Aug 10, 2018
Hi All,

This might be normal, but I'm not sure.

With pump running, spa and pool are fine water level wise. Pump shuts off around 8pm (runs 10am to 8pm)

When I wake up in the morning, the spa is pretty empty - of course when the pump goes on it returns back to normal level.

Is this normal?
No, it is not normal. First thing to check is see if you have a check valve in your spa suction line. Could be a leaking diverter in a valve.

Post pics of your equipment pad and valves.
A picture of your equipment pad would help. I’m guessing you have a raised spa with a spillway. Usually there’s a check valve on the spa side of the return line to keep water from back flowing from the spa to the pool. Seeing your valve configurations would also help.
No, it is not normal. First thing to check is see if you have a check valve in your spa suction line. Could be a leaking diverter in a valve.

Post pics of your equipment pad and valves.

also could that be a reason I'm having trouble getting rid of algae too? Ive shocked, maintained good water chemistry and still the algae doesn't go away

Maybe the filter isn't routing properly?
here is a picture(s) of my setup.

Just bought the house a few weeks ago.

My guess is that a valve is not in the right position. ?


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You have quite a complex setup. Do you know why you have two pumps? It looks like you are using the black pump for the pool. The valve in front of the white pump suction is off. Is the white pump for the spa?

There is a check valve in your spa return line. If you follow the pipe up from the white pump you get to the check valve. I would examine that valve and confirm it functions properly and not leaking when closed.

The black pump is set to suction from the pool but the spa suction is closed.

There are two valves that turn off the spa suction. One by the black pump and one by the white pump. Either of those diverters could be leaking.

You need to explain how you use the two pumps and what valves you turn for the spa versus the pool.
Thanks for the response. To be honest I’m not sure what the other pump does. It’s always off. I also have 2 stingl boxes one of which Isn’t on. The one box controls the black pump.

I started messing with the valves to try and heat the spa. I’m not sure if any are in the right position. — I did get hot water into the spa though.

question- can I leave the valves in the same position to filter the pool and have It so I can just turn the heater on when I want to heat the spa? Or should I be turning valves every time I want to heat the spa (and turn them back when I’m done)
With those valves it looks like the black pump can route water to your spa or pool or both.

However, water flowing through the black pump gets filtered and can be heated. It looks like the white pump can circulate water to the spa but it is not connected to the filter or heater.

You have six valves. Working from the suction side of the black pump ...
1 - this valve can cut off all water to the pump. Right now it is open.
2 - the valve in front selects if the black pump draws water from the pool or spa or both. Right now the pipe labeled spa suction is closed and you only pull water from the pool.
3 - moving to the white pump you have a valve on the suction inlet. Right now all water into the pump is blocked.
4 - if you follow the pipe labeled pool suction you will see a valve where two pipes go into the ground. These pipes lead to your skimmers or main drain. That valve lets you pull water from one or the other or both lines. Right now the valve is set to both.

These four valves control the suction side of your pool and spa.

5 - if you follow the vertical pipe out of the white pump past the check valve there is a valve. The lines are labeled TO SPA and TO POOL. This valve directs the filtered and heated water from the black pump to the Spa or Pool or both. Right now it is set so water flows to both pool and Spa.
6 - if you follow down the 45 degree pipe from valve 5 you find this valve. The only purpose I can think of is if the heater needs service closing this valve allows the heater pipe to be opened. This valve is open.

It looks like the white pump can only supply return water to the spa. Follow the white pump outlet and the water hits the check valve preventing water flowing to the pool return. All the water will flow down the spa return.

This is all overly complictated. I have no idea of the purpose of the white pump that can circulate water to the spa that is not filtered or heated.

Right now the valves are set to pull water from the pool only and return water to your pool and spa. The spa spillover should be active and if you turn on the heater you get warm water in the pool and spa.

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So the valves as set now will heat the spa and pool.

If you want to heat only the spa you turn valve 2 180 degrees from where it is now. That opens spa suction and blocks pool suction and draws all water from the spa. You must also move valve 5 the handle 90 degrees up to block the TO POOL pipe and send all water to the spa. Return the two valves to their prior position to restore flow to the pool.

The duck bill side of the valve opposite the handle is the part that blocks a pipe. Make sure you never block the water flow pipe into the valve when you are moving the valves. I recommend you turn off the pump anytime you move valves.

There is more we can discuss after you study and absorb this.
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