CaCl + small amounts of NaCl and KCl okay? (Home Depot ice melt for $20 / 50 lbs.)


Jul 18, 2018
N. Central, ID
My pool CH is only about 150 ppm so in my new and likely perpetual quest for cheap pool chems, I found this at Home Depot (pickup at local store).

The packaging says 100% CaCl (photo):

but I click on the SDS link there and it says there's a little bit of salt in it too (NaCl and KCl):

Calcium Chloride 83-87%
Water 8-14 %
Potassium Chloride 2-3%
Sodium Chloride 1-2%

Should be okay, right?

Thanks a bunch!

Edit: Oops! I was wrong. Guess it's not available at my HD location or for deliver to my home. Arghhh! So many pool chems are like this, I'm finding.

I'd still like to confirm that the salt would be okay in my pool.
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Thanks, Steve! Looks like it has very little NaCl and/or KCl (says 94% CaCl) and at least one reviewer said it worked in a pool so I'll order 50 lbs. of it and have extra. (According to pool math I need about 25 lbs. of pure Cacl.)

This gunite pool's been closed for four years with somewhat low CH so I guess one more week for shipping won't hurt it!
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