
el duderino

Well-known member
Jun 15, 2008
Austin, TX
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Does anyone have a solar-breeze, robotic skimmer? The website seems pretty impressive, but without any real world reviews, it's hard to know what to really think.

I've posted before about my "giant skimmer" (i.e. basin) problems, and a solution like this is becoming more appealing. However, it's a lot of money to drop on an unknown.
el duderino said:
Does anyone have a solar-breeze, robotic skimmer? The website seems pretty impressive, but without any real world reviews, it's hard to know what to really think.

I've posted before about my "giant skimmer" (i.e. basin) problems, and a solution like this is becoming more appealing. However, it's a lot of money to drop on an unknown.

I just ordered one and hoping it comes in a few days. I've also ordered my second PoolSkim and two extra bags for when the leaves really start coming down. ............

Darn :rant: A new email just came in informing me that the order had been cancelled. I'll call tomorrow to see what the problem is. I'm suspecting that places can't get them as I had a very hard time locating one. I ordered from about 4 days ago. Except for the first confirmation of order email this is the only other email I've received from them. It did look like they put a hold for the purchase amount on my CC and site indicated that CC purchase had been approved. Maybe they just found out they can't get one from makers.

Also, I can't find a way to order on the SolarBreeze site. Guess I'll have to call them tomorrow, too; that is, if they have a phone number.

It really looks like a great concept. Maybe they are "refining" them in some way. I did read somewhere that there was an improvement (or pending) to lessen risk of water entering the internals.

I'll do some more searching tonight. BTW... the GWS site had the best price I found and was the only site that did not indicate "not available".

If you can locate a place to purchase I would surely appreciate a heads up.

I just noticed I received another email right before the cancel email. I'll check it out.

We will be unable to process your order at this time. We are out of stock and will not be able to get any in soon. You may go to I know they have this product in stock. Sorry for the delay in getting you this message. If you have any questions please email me back. Your credit card will not be charged.


GWS Technologies, Inc.
15455 N. Greenway-Hayden Loop #C4 | Scottsdale, AZ 85260
480.619.4747 tel. | 480.619.4740 fax | 602-743-0550 cell
GREAT NEWS :party:

I sent an email to greentechgear asking about shipment and just received an email back.

Dear Ms. xxxxx,
Thank you for your order. Your order will be shipped tomorrow USPS priority. It will take 5-7 business days.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: shipment info for order 0000001139
Date: Wed, October 21, 2009 6:37 pm
To: <[email protected]>

I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my SolarBreeze. Others, too, want to know how I like it and how it does in my pool environment. Can you, please, give me an idea of when it will be shipped and when I should expect it. You are one of only two places on internet, that I could find, where it can actually be purchased. GreenWindsSolar was unable to fulfill the order BUT recommended you.

Thanks, Alice xxxxxxxx
Any update geekgranny? Curious how the solar-breeze is working out for you.

I tried several times to get into the beta program by talking directly to the company, but they failed to respond.
el duderino said:
Any update geekgranny? Curious how the solar-breeze is working out for you.

I tried several times to get into the beta program by talking directly to the company, but they failed to respond.

I'm extremely impressed by the SolarBreeze. :whoot: :whoot: :whoot:

[EDIT] Here is one link that gives information about new ver.2. It seems you can order them now from this site.[end edit]
el duderino sent me a PM. Here's my repy to him.

I'm not in a "beta program" but didn't want to go into details. But I'll give you a rundown here. BTW... I've seen the Ver.2 for sale one site. I was in a hurry so didn't check out any other sites.

I ordered a ver.1 several months ago. I only found one site that had any to purchase. The site emailed me back that they didn't have any and then gave me a site where one could be obtained.

So I ordered one. Both of the sites are resellers. The site I ordered from took my PayPal payment, $400. A few days later they emailed me that there would be a delay in shipment. After a few weeks of "we'll get one shipped out by xxxx" I, submitted, a PayPal complaint about not receiving merchandise. The seller responded with they were trying to get one. I decided to wait till the date of close of complaint. Right before that date occurred I received an email from inventor that they had no more ver.1s available. And that they would send me a ver.2 beta and then send a ver 2 when it was available. This was around Christmas. I emailed them to please send the tracking number. I then received a call from one person. We chatted. The next day the other inventor called and we had a long, one hour conversation. I received the beta soon afterwards.

I have used it a few days and I'm extremely impressed. Our weather is so bad now, with a few sunny days. Also, he told me to not use it in freezing temps, and we've had a few and lots of cloudy or rainy days.

When I get it charged up it will run for at least 8 hours, even on a cloudy day. During this time of year I don't have much direct sun on the pool due to house blocking SW side from early sun and by the time it gets too pool area it is about 2 pm. An hour later the sun dips behind the trees. But I have moved it around enough to get it charged enough to run it. Although when it is overcast and not fully charged it will run at the lower speed. I don't know if I've ever run it when it was fully charged except for the first day. It ran full speed a lot and into the night when I pulled it out of pool. That first day was the worst leaves I had floating. It was after our big freeze.

It is very light weight. Surprisingly so.

It does pick up really fine stuff, doggie hair, and all leaves that are floating. I've used it on windy days gusting to 30 mph and the only affect was that it blew it across the pool a bit. It goes over my two PoolSkims when the floating tops are removed. After using it and seeing what it does I certainly would purchase one.

The dogs are a tiny curious about it but not as much as the Polaris tail that drives them crazy. Doggies have not stolen the Pool Skims floaters or any of the hoses or cords for cleaners. The way it moves I think I'll be able to leave it in pool when doggies are outside and swimming. I'll have to see how the wave affects it when they leap in. I'm thinking it might be okay but only trial will prove or disprove.

I have a short wish list. Most are in the new ver.2.

My first and foremost is to have a port, like on the Pool Buster (Blaster) that has a screw on seal, for optional charging with a power brick. Most pools probably get more sun than mine does in winter. But there will be plenty in spring, summer, and fall to keep it charged up and running continuously 24/7 if I want. Right now I'm charging it by proping it up on a chair that swivels so I can keep it pointed towards the sun. Some morning sun and till about 2pm charges it enough to run it well into the night. The led running lights are pretty cool.

Second would be user replaceable batteries which they have implemented in ver.2.

Knowing a few people who can't bend down or get on their knees or get up once they get down a would like to have a loop or something to pick it out of pool with a hook or reacher or something like that. On ver.1, you can really only pick it out of pool getting on your knees. They have put some kind of handles on ver.2.

Although, I have tile around water line, many people don't. I placed on my wish list softer wheels for vinyl pools. They did implement softer wheels on ver.2.

Those are the main things I would want changed. Although I didn't submit my wish list (not really enough time as they are in production now) they implemented most on ver 2.

There is new information on the SolarBreeze site about the improvements.

I thought about putting a small strip of plastic across the front and back, attached with Velcro, positioned so debris will still enter but the piece will protect the paddles from the PoolSkim floaters.

As I've had my pool partially closed I can't use my pump and filter right now. I've had submersible pumps with cords and hoses coming out of pool putting water back into pool for some circulation. It runs into them gently but will back up after a short time.

BTW.. the front wheels are powered to help with several actions.

I'm going to be contacting them in next few days with my comments, wish list, etc. just for their information. I'll, also, be asking them if there is any possibility that they could mode one to accept a power brick and when they are shipping mine. If they can't I'm going to check out modding
[Edit] the Beta when I get the Ver 2 and the modding the Ver 2 once it is out of warranty. Depends on how the mod on Beta goes [end edit].

Hopes this info helps a bit. Get one. I might not even need my Pool Skims except when the leaves are really falling and blowing into pool late in the year.

Ask any questions and I'll answer if I can.

Be well, Alice
They sent the ver.2 beta with a very fine mesh fabric to use instead of paper towel. It catches the finest stuff. A couple of weeks ago I rinsed my hands in the pool :hammer: after opening the Verro cleaner pump that is oil filled. It looked like I had poured a bunch of oil in the pool but hadn't. Anyway I put a paper towel in and changed out once and it skimmed up all the floating oil. The included "fabric" is easily rinsed.

I used the SB for first time after our Big Freeze. I still had a bunch of leaves in pool when it froze and leaves were blowing in to pool. It picked up enough leaves that I needed to empty the tray over a trash bin. This was a windy day so they would have blown right back into pool. Also, I was so anxious to use it I started on a day when there was still a tiny layer of very thin ice patches left in pool. It simply pushed the ice island around the pool. :cool: The ice was so thin that the few times the paddles hit the edge the ice just chopped up and was pulled in. If the ice had been any thicker I wouldn't have used the SB though. BTW.... sunny and air temps in 60s F.

The main issue with the freezing temps is the affect it has on the Li-ion batteries. They don't "like" to be subjected to freezing temps, I have been told.


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Believe it or not I don't work for pool skim but you can use it no matter where your return is located. At worst you might need to buy a length of PVC pipe. But I have been astounded at what a great job it does at getting all the tree junk off my surface even on a really windy day. It does such a good job that only a small amount of very fine dirt ever makes it to the bottom of my pool.
Hi GeekGranny and el Duderino. I am glad to see that you like how your Solar-Breeze works. It really is a time and energy saver. I work for Solar Pool Technologies in Phoenix and we are the maker of the Solar-Breeze. If you have any questions or comments: shoot them at me.
SolarPoolTech said:
Hi GeekGranny and el Duderino. I am glad to see that you like how your Solar-Breeze works. It really is a time and energy saver. I work for Solar Pool Technologies in Phoenix and we are the maker of the Solar-Breeze. If you have any questions or comments: shoot them at me.

I don't have one. I've tried to get user feedback, but it's limited and the cost of the item is a little high for a trial.
We purchased a refurbished Solar-Breeze early last Fall and its some of the best money we have ever spent. Not one moment of trouble with the unit. It's a little workhorse. Highly recommended!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have had my Solar Breeze for 3 years. It stopped working. The company is in financial distress and I do not know if they are selling them right now. I purchased an extended warranty and found this out when I contacted them by email. took off the electronics panel and discovered water and a fried circuit board. They are going to send me a new circuit board and It will be running again soon.

I sure hope they can pull it out of the red, because this is a very nice compact machine that does and incredible job of cleaning the surface without a bunch of other stuff like vacuum etc.

I will let you know how the rebuild goes. Apparently they have updated the gasket to the electronics compartment, which implies a weak spot in the original design. It may be too expensive to buy new at this point, without knowing if there will be any backup in the future. It is conceivable that one could buy their supplies/parts and keep the 1000's of Solar Breeze units out there running.


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