Do I really have to.......


LifeTime Supporter
Aug 7, 2008
Brooklyn Park, MN
Close my pool??????


I guess its time..... I already can't wait for next sping! Maybe I should move to Texas??? :-D
Oh, and I have my heater running 24/7 right now to protect my equipment. Any other advice I should follow until I really do close it? I have a winter cover on its way, just waiting for it to get here. This is the earliest snow I can ever remember in Minnesota, and I've lived here my whole life!
My sympathies!

We don't have snow yet here in eastern PA but the nights are getting very cold. I'm running the pump from 9:00 PM to 7 AM to keep the equipment from freezing. We'll probably close next weekend.

A question: is that a Scamper ramp next to your steps? If so, how did you make it work in an AGP? We tried to install one but our big dogs just push it down into the water. We can't seem to get the proper support against the pool wall because of the coping overhang.
Snowy Pool Party at Laenini's! Heater is on! Grab your suits!!! Book your flights! :mrgreen:
Looks like a high school prank to me! Did someone call the authorities?! I can't believe that somebody would go through that much time and effort to put all those cotton balls around your pool and deck!

Whatever that is, it is really weird. And I don't understand the "closing" and "freezing" you speak of. Maybe I'm just a dumb San Diegan, but I've never seen anything like that around here!!

simicrintz said:
Looks like a high school prank to me! Did someone call the authorities?! I can't believe that somebody would go through that much time and effort to put all those cotton balls around your pool and deck!

Whatever that is, it is really weird. And I don't understand the "closing" and "freezing" you speak of. Maybe I'm just a dumb San Diegan, but I've never seen anything like that around here!!


I think it was photoshoped...anyway what a beautiful photo!
AnnaK said:
A question: is that a Scamper ramp next to your steps? If so, how did you make it work in an AGP? We tried to install one but our big dogs just push it down into the water. We can't seem to get the proper support against the pool wall because of the coping overhang.

Yep, its a scamper ramp. We have 2 dogs and 4 cats and thought we should add the ramp (back before we put in the wedding cake steps) just in case one fell into the pool one day and couldn't get out on their own. To be honest though, that has never actually happened. So I've never seen an animal try to use it. Ours does have notches on it that the coping slides into, then if I pull the tie ropes tight it sure seems like it would support one of our animals long enough to allow them to get out of the pool. Our dogs are both small though (we have a maltese and a maltese/yorkie mix). I can't imagine a big dog making it up this ramp without pushing it under the water too far. I'd bet there must be something that could be done to modify the ramp though. Maybe even just cutting an old piece of pool noodle or styrofoam to fit between the ramp and the pool wall underneath the coping to keep the ramp from tipping down into the water under the weight of the dog?

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Thanks for the info on the Scamper ramp. A cut up pool noodle would not work for our dogs, they weigh 80# when dry. We tried a variety of braces but because of the curvature of the pool walls we aren't able to make them work well enough to make the ramp functional.
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