How to store/care for the big bean bag type Frontgate floats?


Jul 23, 2017
Granger, In
So in an effort to not promote mold and mildew, we have a little holder for our skinny flat floats. But we have a big bean bag type chair float that we got from Frontgate, but how do you take care or store it after a night in the pool? We don't have a pool house. So I guess my choices are few :) I can leave out in the elements, take into to garage, or put in one of those big brown plastic storage bins? advice?
I don't have a chair but I have 3 of those bean bag animal floats. All I ever do to them is toss them on the deck and let them drain out in the sun never had any mildew on them. As long as your pool has correct FC levels you should be killing any mildew in the bean bag anytime they go in the pool.
I am not sure of your exact float, but this is the one that I have that is a bean bag float.

I built a webbed stand out of PVC pipe and some string. I am sorry I don’t have a picture handy.

I got some 1.5” PVC Pipe, and cut it into 4 lengths that were 2.5 feet long. I then got 4 PVC elbows and built a square frame.

I then took my drill and drilled a small hole (about 0.25” thick) through both side of the PVC pipe every 3 inches all the way around the frame.

I then weaved string through all the holes to create a mesh webbing (just the basic over then under, then over then under pattern). Sorry I dont have a picture, but it would sort of look like this except I used string rather than webbing

I leave this on the concrete deck near my pool, along the edge in an area where not a lot of people walk typically. Disclaimer, if I am having a party, I will put the web/frame away and then bring it out at the end of the day once I am ready to put my toys away.

So one I am ready to get the bean bag chair out, I pull it up so about half sits on the frame. This allows gallons of water to drip back down from the chair into the pool (I try to minimize my water loss). Once it is mostly drained, I pull it up the erst of the way onto its frame. Then is can air dry completely, and because there is air under the chair, it does not get moldy. This has worked well for me now for a few years.

Let me know if this makes sense without a picture
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