Jun 22, 2016
Hi everyone. Tom from Livermore here. Very new to pool ownership, but totally willing to learn. Bought a house with a "mature" pool and -- boy -- is everything going wrong at once it seems.

Some background in case anybody cares...

I have very little knowledge about pool equipment but possess basic plumbing knowledge and "average" electrical skill
Pool built in 1989, we took ownership in 2016
Pool with built-in spa
Jandy Aqualink Power Center outside
Jandy RS Controller inside
Gas Heater
Relatively new Filter Pump (it died and was replaced 6 mos. ago)
Relatively new Cleaner/Booster pump (it had also died and was replaced about 3 mos. ago)
Very old Spa pump (for lack of a better term)
Two JVAs (Intake and Return), one of them has been disconnected by PO, don't know which yet
Filter seems air-tight
When things were working, life was great

In 2017, had small cottage built in backyard for autistic adult son.
"Electrician" (quotes used purposefully) inexplicably had our pool control center box open and said he needed to do something
Pool lights stopped working
Months later, PCB no longer had power, all displays blank
Am starting the long road to understanding how to get my pool up and running again

Nice to meet everybody!

Welcome to TFP.. a great place to find the answers to all your Pool Maintenance Questions, whether you want "More Liver" or not.... :shark:

Thanks for the Intro and sorry about your current electrical issues... All you need to do now is slide over to one of our subject-orientated Sub-Forums and start asking your questions...

Thanks again,

Jim R.