Major leak over the winter


Bronze Supporter
Feb 26, 2018
North Alabama
Hi everyone.

I just pulled back the corner of my pool cover to find that the water level is extremely low. There's about a foot of water in my 4' shallow end. I did notice that the water level is sitting right at the level of the lights, approximately in the center of the light. So my thoughts are that there's a tear in the liner at that level, or the lights have a leak somewhere. What is the best way to pinpoint the leak and solve the problem?

My vinyl liner is old, probably 10+ years (we've owned the house/pool for only 2 years). I am guessing the liner will need to be replaced after this. I am glad that it's old and probably needs replacing anyway. But, if there's a problem with the lights, what are your thoughts/best practices for preventing this from happening again in the future to a new liner? As a relatively new pool owner, I'm worried.
Hello and welcome to TFP! :wave: Yes, once the water stops dropping, you can figure the height of the leak is somewhere around that waterline. What kind of lights do you have? Is that the ONLY thing around your pool at that new water level? If only the light (or lights), then I would be inclined to consider those suspect, unless the liner itself just happened to tear at the same level. Some people have some success with food dye if the water is very calm to where it tried to get sucked-out into the suspect area. You can try that. If it's a vinyl tear, there are patch kits. If it ends-up being a light issue, the repair will depend on the type of light you have.
Look for a product called a cord stopper. It goes around the light cord then pushes into the conduit where the cord exits the niche. Does not matter what kind of light you have be it halogen or led. What you will need to know is it 1/2", 3/4" or 1" conduit.
I had a similar issue last year. Turned out that the gasket behind the light had deteriorated. $12 part but it was a bit of a pain to replace.
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