Congrats - y'all have made me a pool snob!


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Jun 22, 2014
Houston, Texas
Thanks to this forum, I now have a great appreciation for water chemistry and clean water/pools. Yesterday we went to someone's house for a "pool party." The pool was FILTHY, the water was cloudy and the skimmer baskets overflowing. Couldn't believe it. I tried to help the owner before the party but she deferred to her husband and his dumb sticks, etc. I gave him the site name but who knows...keep in mind this is a post-Harvey pool too....

Anyway, I am happy to be more knowledgeable and I will continue to try and steer people to this site. Even my own husband said to me tonight, after I made a comment about how I hope to hit 400 with our CH, said "The container said between 200-400." And I said, we don't read those labels. "What's wrong with you? You should know better by now!"
When visiting family the nephews (10'ish) always want us to jump in with them which is always good fun. The water however is cloudy, makes the eyes burn and leaves you smelling like a public pool.

Ick, taking my test kit next time and hoping for the best. I already swiped a water sample and tested it at our home so we know they're under chlorinated/high CYA. Hoping they'll be interested to learn.
LOL My granddaughter is 4 and she is a pool snob! She loves looking through my phone's gallery and saw a pic of *gasp* our current swamp due to a surgical procedure that ended our summer abruptly. She asked me if that was her pool and I said yes. She told me we need a brand new pool! I said no we don't. I promise, I will fix it! Needless to say, she's not very happy with LaLa right now because I never covered it for winter. I just drained it below the return.
This whole thread is precious! I love it all! Thank you TFP!

I can see you all now when you arrive next time. You ring the door bell, they welcome you with hugs, they ask if they can help with your luggage, you say yes please it is in the trunk and please bring it all, and they come back with a worried face and arm fulls of bleach bottles!
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