Salt water percentage setting


Jun 27, 2017
Mt Laure/NJ
When my pool was installed this April, they recommended the Saltwater system be set at 70%. I thought that it seems high to run all the time, thinking it would shorten the life span of the cell? Inground pool 16x36 (9' deep end...3' shallow end. Hayward Salt System. Clear, clean, salt ppm is 3100. Pump runs from 9am to 6pm.
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The SWG needs to be run long enough and at a high enough percentage so that the FC level is above minimum for your CYA the next day when the SWG turns on again. [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]
9 hours at 70% is 6.3 hours no matter how you slice it. You could run 6.3 hours at 100% or 12.6 hours at 50%. The cell doesn't care. It has a finite life span and when the hours are up, it's dead.

The big question is: is it maintaining adequate FC in your pool? 6.3 hours may be too little or it may be massive overkill or you may be working the thing too hard due to low CYA levels. The answers can be found by accurate testing.
We had super chlorinated not realizing that our test strips were bad. I lowered the dial to 30% and let it burn off for a week. Took a test to the store levels were perfect (although it could have been carrying the Super charge still). Since then we had 2 big rain storms and my levels are holding at 1 1.5 for free chlorine. I raised the level to 40% to see if that brings it up a bit. In my inexperience with salt systems, my brain said 70% is too high but it may not be. Seems like its a little trial and error until you get your pool dialed in. The stabilizer is at 50. The pool company did any/all set up of the water, which is where the 70% came from. I read some blogs online and people were saying 70% is too high 25-30 should be correct but TFP seems to be the only consistent answer source which is why I joined. Thanks for the input so far.
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