Beginner with Small Easyset pool-help!


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Jun 28, 2009
Topic Split from BBB for Beginners.

Apparently I need a BBB for Idiots, if that is what is below "Beginners." Yesterday I filled my first "permanent" pool. It is 10' by 30" Easy Set, above ground. Approx 915 gallons, I believe. I'm using the filter/pump that came with it - unsure of spec. Will find and post if needed for this question to be answered. I have read enough on this site to know I want to do the BBB method. I do not see, however, a step by step for the first day on what to add, and, unfortunately, the calculator was too complex for me. For instance, I don't know what I was supposed to fill in in the blank immediately to the right of the gallons blank. I am unprepared right now in that I don't have a test kit yet (but will by the end of the day). However, my kids are clamoring to get in the pool.

I think I need to add a bunch of household (6%) bleach --
1. how much would you guess as a start until I can get it tested?
2. am I right that the kids can go in an hour after I add the bleach?
3. what else do I need to add day one (before any tests?).

Sorry -- I have read the pool school stuff and BBB basics, but I still don't have the answers for what to do before the first swim. Thanks in advance for any help that will allow my kids in the pool this morning.
Re: BBB for Beginners

HI and Welcome.

We have been working on a small-pool startup article for Pool School, just for your particular situation, unfortunately it's not ready yet.

So we'll give you some assistance.

First, can you confirm the gallons? 915 seems really small....

We'll get the kiddies in there in no time. :goodjob:
Re: BBB for Beginners

Okay, just found it on there website. It does say 1018, so lets all just call your pool size 1,000 gallons. :wink:

The box to the right of the gallons (on the pool calc) That is where it will display how much you need to add of the various chemicals.

So in the "now" you put your current test results, in the "target" column you put your goal (which is from the Recommended Levels article) and then hit calculate. In that big box, if you move the cursor over the "oz" that displays in the small boxes in each section - it converts it in that big box to "jugs" or "cups" etc. You have to move your mouse around to see anything display in that large box. So I can see your confusion. Since you don't have a test kit or results yet, I can help you figure a starting point.

Yes, you will need bleach.

But you also need CYA /Stabilizer, and for your small pool, the best way to establish that is thru somthing called Dichlor - "sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione". Wal-mart sells it in 1 lb bags, you need 1 bag. You will use a little of that each day - about 1 ounce a day for the next 10 days. And then you won't need it anymore, it should get your CYA to 40 which is good for your pool. You don't want the CYA to get higher than that.

After the 10 days of using the dichlor, assuming there are no problems that would require you to start over, you should start using bleach each nite. Likely you will use between 1/2 cup and a cup...depending on your testing.

I recommend you get the HTH 6-way test kit for around $20 from Walmart - it will give you the results you need.

For now, so we can help you with the other levels, just test PH and TA. Don't test CYA yet, there is only enough reagent for 3 tests and you don't have CYA in your water yet. After the 10 days you can test the CYA level.

So that should get you started. Get the kit, some bleach and 1 bag of Dichlor. Start adding the dichlor, 1 ounce each day, and test the PH and TA, and we'll help you from there.

Hope this helps. :goodjob:
Re: BBB for Beginners

1. Put in one cup of Clorox bleach and go swimming. That will only sanitize the pool for 3-4 hours but it will get the kids swimming. If they (and you :lol: ) swim longer than that, add one more cup of Clorox. Swirl it around each time you put it in and wait a few minutes to get it evenly distributed and then go swimming.

2. Get a test kit that will test for pH and Chlorine and CYA......should be around $20.

3. While your getting your test kit, purchase a 1 - 1.5 pound pack of Di-chlor.(it's a powder) It may be called "shock" or some other brand name but look on the want it to be Di-chlor

4. Post your test results up on the forum and we'll advise you on how to use the dichlor and how to adjust your pH (if necessary)

EDIT: FPM and I are saying the same thing. I am adding a way that you can get in the pool today by putting in the Clorox.
Thanks so much to both of you for answering! I'll do the bleach, let them swim, and this evening add the Dichlor and then start testing tomorrow. As for the pool calculator -- I had tried moving my mouse around and nothing comes up, other than on the blue parts like ph and FC. Is there any chance that the calculator doesn't work completely on a Mac?? Thanks again!
Hi again. Just returned from Walmart and they don't have anything with the active ingredient as dichloro. The only brand they had was HTH and they had one pound bags of something called Shock and another called Super Shock. For both, the active ingredient was calcium hypochlorite. The only product on the whole long aisle that I could find that had any dichloro also had triazinetrione (but separately listed along with I think one other thing) and it was labeled as being for a spa, and it was tablets not a powder. I didn't get it even though it was the closest thing to the items recommended in the prior posts. Should I have gone with Shock, Super Shock, or the Spa one -- or look elsewhere for dichloro powder as described? It did not appear that there was an empty spot as though Walmart was "out" of what I was looking for. Thanks for any more info.

We swam a bunch of hours today and ultimately I put in two cups of bleach total. Covered pool for the night and will try to get the other stuff in it tomorrow if I can find dichloro over my lunch hour.

Thanks again for your willingness to share your experience and wisdom in this area!
HTH shock does not contain any stabilizer (CYA), it's cal-hypo and you really don't need calcium. See if you can find another brand that does have the recommended ingredients. Else, you can purchase CYA separately and just use bleach, but it may be only available in amounts that are way more than you will ever need.

In the meantime, did you purchase a test kit? It is important to keep your chlorine level up. You can do that by monitoring it more often and adding bleach a little more often than you would if you had some stabilizer (CYA) in your water.
Well, if I did the test correctly (and there are virtually no instructions in the HTH 6-way kit), the readings I did are:
pH = 7.5
Cl= .5 or less -- water in tube after drops looks virtually clear
Br = 1 or less -- same tube tube, looks virtually clear

Those are the readings on the test thing -- did not convert to anything. Also, pool smells very chorine-y when lift cover.

Thanks for any help on what to do this morning before rush out for work.
Dichlor is often sold in two lb containers for use in spas. You need to read the label because calcium hypochlorite is also sold for use in spas. You might have to go to a pool store for dichlor. You can check at home depot and lowes also.

Look on the ingredients for either dichloro-s-triazinetrione or Sodium dichloroisocyanurate. That would be the stuff. Do not confuse it with trichlor (trichloro-s-triazinetrione or Trichloroisocyanuric acid) which is usually more readily available than dichlor and in tablet or sometimes granular form and NOT what you want.

I know this sounds confusing but it gets much easier as you get used to caring for a pool. Don't let the long names put you off. That's the way you know if you are putting the right stuff in.

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crek31 said:
Well, if I did the test correctly (and there are virtually no instructions in the HTH 6-way kit), the readings I did are:
pH = 7.5
Cl= .5 or less -- water in tube after drops looks virtually clear
Br = 1 or less -- same tube tube, looks virtually clear

Those are the readings on the test thing -- did not convert to anything. Also, pool smells very chorine-y when lift cover.

Thanks for any help on what to do this morning before rush out for work.

You still home? If so, add 2 cups of bleach before you leave (pump running for 30 min or so.)

Sorry they didn't have the Dichlor. Check other stores as Evan suggested. :wink:
Okay -- put in 2 cups of bleach at lunch. Also bought dichlor as directed. When got home 6 hours later, did test and Cl was still (or back to .5). Added one cup bleach and swam with my kids for 1.5 hours (we love having a pool, small as is). Got out, tested again. Here are current test results. I will await directions before adding more bleach or the first dichlor.

Appearance: seems pretty clear. I think we had the filter/pump not running correctly, but now I think that is corrected so hopefully we are good to go.
Cl = 2 (hard to tell between 2 and 3 for me, but hubby says 2)
pH = 7.5 (or maybe slightly lighter than the 7.5, but not as light as 7.2)
TA = 210 ppm (took 21 drops to get the green to turn red - but if they want fire engine red I never go there. 21 drops was pink. 22 drops was magenta, and I quit).
Let me know if I need other values -- I have the hth six way test kit.

When it comes to adding dichlor, a teaspoon type amount would be easier for me than ounces, but if need be I'll figure out how to get an ounce. Also, I'd like to get to where I can just figure out what to add without bugging you guys (and hoping your lives allow you to see my posts when I need the answers). My understanding is the Cl level the hth test gives me is different than the FC level requested in the pool calculator - is that correct? How do I know my FC level so I can just use the calculator?

Starting to get dark so I tried to combine input from earlier today and just put in the following:

1 ounce (which was just shy of 1/4 cup) dichlor powder
1 cup bleach

Will try to wake up early enough to test, post, and read a reply to put in right stuff before work. I think the TA reading I posted before indicates that is too high and I need to add acid, but don't know what the acid product is. I may need to buy that tomorrow unless it is one of the household items. Thanks.
You did fine, the TA is not critical.

High TA causes the PH to slowly rise. Whenever you see the PH rise to 7.8 or higher, simply add "Ph Down"/Dry Acid or Muratic Acid to lower it 7.2. The acid will also slowly lower your TA over time. But like I said it's not critical to take care of lowering TA.

For the pool calc. ... you test your chlorine. So you got "2" . You put in your gallons, then you enter "2" in the "now" column and "5" in the "target" column. Then hit calculate. IT will give you a certain number of ounces of how much bleach to add. You should get around 6 ounces, or 3/4 cup of bleach.

For now, just add an ounce of dichlor a day - it's like 4 teaspoons. That should get you enough chlorine each night. When the bag is gone, switch to bleach. You should be okay with 3/4 cup. If not, post back and we'll see if something else is going wrong.
FPM -- thanks for the help. On the calculator question, I was just wanting to be sure I am supposed to put the value from my oto test (which on the vial says Cl) in the blank for FC. I thought the yellow oto stuff tested total chlorine and FC was free chlorine, so wasn't sure if I need that FC break out for that blank. I think I think too much. Thanks again!
Nope. Our season is basically June-Aug. We have extended it thru using a heater, when the weather is good we can swim in May and September...but this can get expensive. This year I opened in mid-April (Spring Fever hit me) and we didn't swim till after Memorial Day. May was lousy weather....

I usually turn the heater off early september, and winterize in mid october.

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