Time for a brand new vinyl liner project !


Well-known member
May 12, 2014
Central PA
Hello all ,
Just going to share our pool liner replacement project here on TFP (with Pictures ! ) .
TFP has been a huge source of information / help for us in helping getting our H2O problems straightened out, I thought I would share our newest "project" .
Yes ........ ITS FINALLY TIME for a new liner !
Long story short ............ we purchased our current house a few years ago , pool included . It was fall when purchased the house and pool was already covered, and fully winterized . Peaked under the cover to see what it looked like, and other than a VERY old liner pattern , the pool "appeared" to be , well, just ok. Poked around in the "pump house" area and everything looked to be ok . We were just going on a wing and a prayer , come spring .........hopefully everything would be OK , as we could NOT get anyone to "inspect" the pool and plumbing / equipt due to the time of year.
Fast forward to our 1st spring , and as we opened the pool , we found a pretty large depressing tear in the liner corner , and also VERY green water . (SO, begins the endless liner patching that would go on for the next few years) .

First pics of initial opening the pool a few years ago, including torn liner and green pool !

Got the water all straightened out with some help from all you FINE TFP folks, and with some previous knowledge with our hot tub , and the "Dichlor/bleach" process. I at least had a clue, that we shouldnt be using the tri-tabs in the pool ! Also redid all the plumbing and filtration system . Previous owners had THREE filters plumbed in place . Sand , Cartridge AND a DE Filter !!! Crazy Right !
Dropped down to just the Hayward sand filter with the Hayward 1.5hp pump and tossed the rest. Has worked great ever since.

In a few short weeks after we opened the pool initially ....... Thanks to TFP .

As you can see , we were badly in need of repairing that railroad tie retaining wall by the edge of the pool . So the next season we tackled that project .
Here is a more updated picture of that ............

We have enjoyed the pool over the first few years ............but it has always been TOO cold for us .........
So the next project was a toss up between the liner (that has been a constant source of patch repairs) or a pool heater .
We opted for a Heat Pump pool heater , since the pool liner was at least holding its own . We opted for a Heat Siphon Z575hp , because of very good reviews and they are also very local for us (central PA) in case we have problems .

Picture of the Heater install .......... (up the slope next to our Tiki bar ) . Pump house is behind the door of the Tiki Bar . Full outside pool bath house (Toilet, shower,sink, changing area , etc) is up those stairs .

OK ........now we are up to the present day . NEXT project ...........this year its finally time for a NEW POOL LINER !!!
Got some estimates , and narrowed it down to a highly recommended local Pool Co. /PB . $3200 plus water (approx $600) for complete job .
Here is a current picture of the shabby liner . BTW ............last fall I didnt even bother to treat the pool water before closing due to the fact we knew we were going to be doing a liner replacement in the spring . I knew it would be drained anyway ............so I just let it fester !
(See all those pool patches !!!)

Fast forward to this afternoon .............Pool is now drained, and PB was already in the pool doing all the measurements today . Pool liner will be ordered Monday ! :whoot: Takes slightly longer than a week for the custom liner to come in . Should be installed before the holiday weekend says the PB/ Pool Co. , weather permitting !!!

Pic of the now ugly pool with NO water ! I think the dog is more depressed than us looking at that pool now ! He wants to swim !!!

Will keep this thread updated for you all ............with pics. I know you all love pool pics (good or bad , and I will have both) !

What do you all think so far ?
Still have to tackle the hard rockscapeing on the right side of the pool . Thats probably ..........next .
We did pick out a liner pattern , BTW .
Our pool comp. prefers to use McEwen liners, and we have the full sample book to help us decide a pattern . We were going to go dark , but are too nervous to make that jump ! We really want the tile bottom look, so after many family "meetings" and much debate about this, lol , we have come to a decision. We choose a unanimous 2nd choice , since all the 1st choice's from everybody varied widely .

It is McEwen's "Pence" design , 27mil (new design in 2016). Pool comp , said that at least half of all the liner jobs they did in 2016 (about 25+) were "Pence".
Anyone have this McEwen Pattern want to post some pics ? What does everyone think of it ? We still have a FEW days to change our mind !




Any opinions on this liner choice ?
Any opinions on McEwen liners in general ???
Got some goodies in the mail today while waiting for the new liner to be manufactured .

Some refills for my TF100 test kit, and finally broke down a got a speed stir !
Tired of hand swirling while adding drops at the same time , and also getting wary of not hand swirling enough to get a proper reading.

This should come in handy !

Sorry, forgot to update this thread ............forgot about it with all the pool work going on !

Anyway Liner was installed roughly a month ago . Went to work one morning , and came home to a new liner full installed and PB nowhere in sight ! That was quick ! Was quite a shock to just arrive home from work , only to see the NEW liner was installed. Didnt even know what day it was being installed . In the northeast , the weather this spring has been a little uncooperative to say the least. Very rainy and cold. The PB picked the first nice dry warm day , and just installed our liner at the best possible time . Just in time for the holiday weekend .
Here is our new liner choice , "Pence" , just installed . End result is a nice and blueish in the shallow end that transitions to a deeper turquoise color towards the deep end . Its a little different pattern thats hard to find and we really like it . Its by McEwen , and its called "Pence" . Full 27mil . McEwen is the only co. that makes this liner pattern so far as I can tell , and its not used across a lot of different liner vendors like a lot of other liners out there . It has the tile look , and lots of different colors and shapes . The tanish colors are supposed to be like "mother of pearl" . Can be ordered with no border as well . Ours , as you can see in the pics , has the border . One nice thing is , because of all the different shapes and colors of the tiles on the pattern , its VERY hard to see any of the seams .
Let me know what you all think of it !

Here are some pictures .............some in the full sun, some in the shade .

Factory sample pic .

Installed with 3/4 of the water fill .

Pictures when filled .

At water level .

Under water , 36' into the deep end with an iPhone .

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