Jet direction


Jun 22, 2015
St. Francisville, LA
Searched the forum but looking for for specific advice for my setup. I have 4 jets on a rectangular pool. One at the steps (just inside the steps pointed towards the shallow end wall and away from the return). One at the other side of the shallow end (opposite the steps) and pointed in the other direction towards the deep end). One on the far deep end of the "long" wall just past the ladder and pointed to the opposite "long" wall on other side of deep end. One on the deep end "short" wall and pointed down the other long wall towards the shallow end. The skimmer/return is halfway between the first (stairs) jet and the last (deep end) jet.

Should I point them all down? Or point them at and angle to circulate clockwise? Or a combination of the two?
Apparently the school of thought is one or more pointed down or in a somewhat downward direction keeps stagnant water off areas of the bottom. Otherwise on the top surface water gets filtered.
That is not the school of thought at TFP. pooldv's suggestion is what we teach and has been well thought out over the years.

You can certainly set your return eyeballs for what works best for you. All pools are different and you may decide you like a different eyeball pattern.
That is not the school of thought at TFP. pooldv's suggestion is what we teach and has been well thought out over the years.

You can certainly set your return eyeballs for what works best for you. All pools are different and you may decide you like a different eyeball pattern.
Ok thanks. I'll go with that everyone recommends was just hoping to get some "physics" behind the reasoning. So what about the jet inside the steps? Point towards the top step to push water around step or point out away from steps to keep water from entering this "dead zone"? Or just straight ahead towards shallow end wall?
Ha, yeah sorry, not a physicist. I just point my eyeballs various ways until the pool surface stays clean and report back. :)

I would point the stair eyeball so that continues the flow started by the other eyeballs. And try both ways. I started clockwise because it seemed the most logical based on where eyeballs were in relation to the skimmers but counterclockwise ended up being better. And speaking of dead zones I did have a dead zone in the shallow end while it was clockwise where debris gathered on the bottom and switching to counterclockwise solved that.
I removed all my return outlet eyeballs long ago and let the water flow out as it may. I have a smaller pool so maybe I can get away with that where others might not. I never have any issues with algae-prone dead zones including steps and a swim-out that are not close to any returns. My vacuum-side pool cleaner drives around each day acting like a center drain on wheels. The actual in-floor drain was blocked off so I get high skimmer flow at low pump speeds. YMMV
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