Expected Life of the Hayward Aquarite AS32 2R025 Thermistor?


Jul 23, 2012
Dallas Ft Worth
Replaced my AS32 2R025 Summer 2015. Yesterday I was gonna get a salt read and had 2.2v on diagnostics. Took apart this morning to find the replacement thermistor split nearly in half. Is it the usage or does weather play a factor in the life cycle. My box is mounted on southwest side of house under the roof eave. There is nothing protecting it but the eave from rain and sun so it gets full on North Texas blazing sun in the summer. We had some particularly hard freezes this winter in the low teens. I don't 'close my pool' for winter so to speak. I just back off the run time and monitor chemicals more biweekly. Any modifications I can do to the box to either keep it cooler or warmer or make it moisture tight?

In 2015 I was just getting in to this house and having to pinch every penny so fixing it myself felt really good, now we are better off and am wondering this go do i gain any benefits to replacing the whole PCB board? Amazon has it for $180ish.
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