Help leveling ground

I am in the process of trying to level the area in my backyard for my 18' AGP and after using a bobcat to dig out the high side I was surprised at how unlevel the ground still is. I am trying to see if anyone has any suggestions of how to level the area so that I can hurry up and get this thing setup, as its been in the mid 90's the past 2 weeks here in SC!


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Rent a lasar transit. Pick and shovel work pretty well for the final grade. I know not what you want to hear, but unless you really know how to use a skid steer, then it's mighty hard to level a pad correctly.

You're going to need some walls to to hold that high side back. If you dont, it's going to wash badly when it rains.
Yep, I figured it would require lots of sweat and backache, but I think Im going to double up my blocks on the low end and them throw the dirt around the blocks to get everything level and then put the ring up and use sand in the middle. Im not sure if Im going to build a wall on the back side, or just use dirt half way up the wall and the rest sand, but that I guess I'll decide once I get the bottome ring leveled.
A 1/2 day with a small machine like a Bobcat S70 would do the trick in no time. If you've never used one, the learning curve is literally about 20 minutes or so. If you have a rental place close, a half day should do it and make things a whole lot easier for you than doing it by hand. I rented a larger S130 for about $300 a day (a few times) , so depending on your area a half day may be about 1/2 that.

Or . . .

For the amount of "depth" you have there, you may consider renting a small John Deere (JD 17 ZTS) trac hoe. It's got a small 8" x 40" blade on the front that you could "skim down" your high side ground for the pool bottom. and then you could use the back hoe and "even out" / cut back that large drop off and get it ready for a small stackable retaining wall or a gradual slope.

I think a half day if you make good time, would be all you need.

I had to rent a larger JD Track hoe 3 times and the Bobcat twice due to my rear yard. (My home is built on a hill and the back yard was terraced with 8x8 landscape timbers (20 years old) and it was a very horrible job.

I "cut down" an area of my rear yard appx 6 feet deep in one section and then prepared a spot for a 33x15 A/G that will essentially be "in ground" / at deck level. It was a TON OF WORK for the site work but came out really good.

I'll be posting some pics in case anyone was interested.
Do not add to your low side with block and dirt to get up to level unless you are using class 5 fill (used for parking lots) and a plate compactor for every 4" of substrate layer, a lazer transit as mentioned above and then it still is a Crud shoot unless you know what you are doing. Use equipment to level out the high side - pay the $ to rent what you need so its right or you will be spending time and $$ later to repair a pool that heaves, crumbles or otherwise goes off level and ruins a wall or tears the liner. Completely level ground is THE most important and usually expensive part of a new pool.
once you think you have it level think again. I thought i had every thing good. and still ended up with one side a little higher than the other. take as much time as you need as this is the most important step. I would get a machine as suggested. I was digging in clay and will never do another AGP with out some kind of bobcat or track hoe
The best thing, honestly, is call a professional excavator. Thi type of thing is hard to do unless you have experience. Level is absolutely crucial. Dont get cheap with this step. If your out of level, then everything else wil not work.
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