can't seem to keep balanced


Apr 28, 2009
Hanna City, IL
Here are the latest readings using TF100. We have 22,500 gal AG/vinyl, use BBB

FC = 1.5
CC= .5
TC = 2.0
ph = 7.0-7.2
T/A = 140
CYA = 27
temp = 72

OK, the obvious...add bleach! However here are my concerns... I'm not sure I understand that whole concept. I always assumed if you don't have enough stabilizer, then the Cl will just burn off continually. But if I increase CYA, then I will just need to keep adding more bleach for that amt of this correct? If yes, what else is preventing me from maintaining any sort of Cl even after I add bleach to get it up to the 4 level? Water is crystal clear. Also, I keep trying to slowly play with raising pH. I was able to get my T/A down from 170 to 140, so hate to go crazy with borax. I understand borax has the least affect on T/A but how much can I safely add before my TA goes skyward again?
The higher your CYA level, the higher you need your FC level to be, but the less chlorine you will use in total. Even though you have to maintain a higher FC level, you use less chlorine keeping it there.

You might want to raise your PH to 7.2 with borax, but don't add anything to raise it above that (assuming you are not using trichlor). The PH should go up on it's own, though that might take a while.
Thanks for the reply. What do you feel would be a good level to get my CYA up to...On inside cover of TF 100 kit is says 30-70 is good for most pools...this site says 30-50. Not sure how high to take it. We do not use pucks...just straight bleach. Which order should I add chems...stabilzer first or borax? And how long should I wait between...couple hours?
spf30 said:
Thanks for the reply. What do you feel would be a good level to get my CYA up to...On inside cover of TF 100 kit is says 30-70 is good for most pools...this site says 30-50. Not sure how high to take it. We do not use pucks...just straight bleach. Which order should I add chems...stabilzer first or borax? And how long should I wait between...couple hours?

CYA depends on where you live and the location of your pool with regard to sunlight vs. shade.
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