Olympic Pool


LifeTime Supporter
Jul 12, 2008
Seacoast, NH
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
Has anyone noticed how beautiful the water in the Olympic swimming pool is? Dying to fly down to Rio with my test kit to test it. Husband was asking me what kind of filter that would use and I have no idea. Is there a different kind of filter used on that kind of pool, or just bigger versions of the type used in residential pools.
The Australians would thank you as they have refused to use the warm up pools and training pools because they are cloudy..... :shock:


I could not find out what type of filter Mythra Pools are using except they state the the olympic pools will use 25% less chemicals because of their quote "special filter system". I note they have UV on their website and show chlorine gas generators in their gallery

btw the 2 main pools are approx 980,000 gallons each


Just found out they are basically using a sand filter setup, but with different media. Perlite (Volcanic rock) instead of sand, with added DE.
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Funny, I caught a bit last night and told my wife how nasty and cloudy the water looked. I suspect their CYA level is too high and chlorine level not high enough, just like my neighbor's pool that always turns cloudy after people swim in it.
I would be very surprised if they use CYA as most large public pools don't use any CYA that I'm aware of.
Even for outdoor? I consulted for a commercial pool that was in bad shape, and every person I talked to was shocked I was using CYA for a commercial pool. The commercial pool distributor did not even carry it.

Our municipality prohibits CYA for indoor pools, but not outdoor.

But to OP, the commercial pool I have experience with had 3 huge inline sand filters.
why don't commercial pools use CYA?

//edit, I think I answered my own question. Read this on another page, which makes sense:

"If, however, you are running a high demand facility (rec. pool, water park, municipal pool, summer camp. Etc.), you do not want your chlorine to be bound up and ineffective; you want it to sanitize the water, and to do it quickly!"

So with a rec pool you want to just add chlorine as fast as necessary to keep the FC ppm at the right levels I guess.
why don't commercial pools use CYA?

//edit, I think I answered my own question. Read this on another page, which makes sense:

"If, however, you are running a high demand facility (rec. pool, water park, municipal pool, summer camp. Etc.), you do not want your chlorine to be bound up and ineffective; you want it to sanitize the water, and to do it quickly!"

So with a rec pool you want to just add chlorine as fast as necessary to keep the FC ppm at the right levels I guess.
I'm not sure.

The issue with not having CYA in this pool was that it was a very old pool with poor circulation, and the shallow end would have high FC while the deep end would be at 0.
They do not want any chlorine to be bound by the CYA and not have another cost to run the pool. The don't care how harsh the chlorine is, as long as they are within their regulations.

Keep in mind they lose a lot of water due to various reasons.

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My money's on copper. I can't exactly imagine them under chlorinating prior to a major event. But I can picture them shocking the daylights out of it overnight...

Okay, in the UK sun, there was this rather amusing passage:

Unconfirmed reports claimed that the pH level in the pool had risen to 9, an alkaline reading, when the optimum level is 7.4, much closer to neutral.

That would indicate there was not enough chlorine in the water, which in turn could have allowed green-coloured algae to grow.

A source alleged the venue managers had had to "shock" the pool back down to a normal pH just two hours before the competition began.

WTH? Where to start on that one, eh? We should invite the aquatics peeps to open a thread ;)
"Help, i have a major international event in an hour and my pool just turned green!"

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