my lastest numbers


LifeTime Supporter
May 23, 2009
Trenton NJ

cal. hard-100

The guy at the pool store said I am in a chlorine lock(whatever that means) and I need to shock my pool with 12 lbs of supercharge.

I been shocking with bleach for two days. Last night I added 10 ounces of trichlor and my readings were as posted.

Do I need to lower ph with acid or just shock for now, and if so how much bleach do you recommend?
Re: chlorine?

Your CYA is way too low for a SWG. READ THE MANUAL that came with it and you will see! THis thread might help you
after you read the pool school section of the forum so you understand it (link to pool school is in the upper right corner of every page--read EVERYTHING in it twice!)

Chlorine lock is a nonsense word! Your chlorine is getting consumed by a nascent algae bloom because your FC is burning off in the sun because your CYA is too low! This is why you have so much CC and very little FC. You need to start shocking the pool with bleach or liquid chlorine to 20 ppm and KEEP IT THERE until there is no CC on testing (if you don't understand what these terms are you NEED to go to pool school and learn and learn how to take control of your water!. That is what we are about here. You are not alone, we are here with you evey step of the way and we are not trying to sell you a lot of chemicals in the process!)
Re: chlorine?

If you describe your pool and gear in your signature, you don't have to keep posting it.

Besides what waterbear said, trichlor adds CYA as well as FC but it typically dissolves very slowly so it's useless for shocking. You're better off with liquid chlorine or bleach (the same stuff at different concentrations) for shocking, and get some CYA to add. It can take a week to dissolve so do that right away too.

Shock FC levels are related to CYA, see this Pool School article.
Re: chlorine?

So the first thing I need to do besides pool school is shock with bleach? Also about how much would get me to 20 ppm.

When should I use the stablizer? The water looks alot better today than yesterday,its not as green, mostly cloudy. I can see bottom in low end but not in the deep.

What a great site this is I wish I found it along time ago.
Re: chlorine?

Read pool school! It should answer just about all your questions. When you are done post questions about any points you don't understand! The pool calculator (link in my sig) will tell you how much bleach to add AFTER you have read pool school. It should only take you about an hour to read it all twice.

Get the stabilizer in now to bring your level up to about 70-80ppm. What SWG do you have and what is your salt level?
Your TA is also a bit on the high side but don't worry about that yet.
Re: chlorine?

Use the Pool Calculator to figure out how much bleach to add. It depends on what kind of bleach you buy, meaning the % of sodium hypochlorite, which should be on the label. Typically household bleach is 5% or 6%, you can get "liquid chlorine" at many pool stores or home-depot type places at 10% or 12.5%.
Threads merged for consistency. Moderator.

I have a swg so I assume I need a higher cya number. The person at the pool store was trying to sell me a phosphate remover,he said that is the reason I am not keeping chlorine in my pool. I told him I will keep shocking it. I throw in about 2lbs of balancer 48hrs ago. I been shocking my pool since sat. according to pool calculations and still no chlorine. Any suggestions?

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What is 2 lbs of balancer? Do you mean stabilizer to bring your CYA up?

You aren't keeping your pool at shock level. IF you were, you'd have a FC result. What are you shocking with, where did you buy it?

Shocking means keeping the FC up at shock level and holding it there, with frequent bleach additions. We can only assume based on your results posted that you haven't been following the instructions, or there is something wrong with your bleach.
Sorry i meant to say stabilizer.

I use 6% bleach to shock according to pool calculations. In fact I doubled the amount of bleach it called for and put it in tonight. The water looks cloudy,not green like before.
ethany said:
I purchased it at BJ'S its chlorix bleach 6%. 182 oz bottles. I put two in tonight. Been using 1 bottle 2x a day since sat.

To raise your FC to 15 (your shock level for CYA of 40) you need 3.4 jugs of 6% bleach, 182 oz size. So 2 jugs tonight aren't enough.

When shocking, frequent testing and bleach additions are key. If you can only do it in the evening, you need to test, go to the Pool Calculator, enter your pool size, enter your FC result in the "now" column, enter 15 in the "target" column, hit calculate and then it tells you how much bleach you need.

It sounds like you just haven't been adding enough. If you aren't calculating based on the current FC levels, and then determining the proper amount, you've probably been coming up short every time.
ethany said:
How do you come up with the number 15 for fc

The Recommended Shock level from the pool Calculator - it's based on your current CYA level. As your CYA level increases, so does your required FC/shock levels - refer to the chart. 15-16 for now, but when your CYA goes up that level will be higher.

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