How Much Will A Chlorine Puck Raise the CYA in an 18000 gallon pool?


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
Hillsborough, NC
The pool we got used came with some chlorine pucks. I started things up on Saturday. As of last night my CYA was at 50. How much will a puck raise the CYA if I decide to use them up? I thought I saw a reference in another thread to it raising 10 points, but I can't find the thread and don't recall what size the pool was. Should I get a floater or can I just drop a puck in the skimmer basket?
No way one puck will raise by 10ppm. Probably more like 0.5ppm. But go to Pool Math. Put your 18000 gallons estimated pool size in there..... Go toward bottom of page "Effects of adding chemicals". Whatever a puck weighs in ozs, enter that. and then choose what a puck is from the drop down (TriChlor? I believe?) I would do it for you, but I have no idea what a puck weighs or if it's even Trichlor. I've never used them.
Take some time playing with PoolMath (button at the top). It will answer your question and many more :) Enter your volume at the top, and then scroll down to "Effects of Adding Chemicals" near the bottom.
Are you considering this just so they don't go to waste? Or do you feel your SWG needs a little help while you are away? Because you can't bump up the %'age on the SWG or increase the run time if you want to have FC on the high side while you are away.

That said, I believe it's not a terrible idea to get your CYA higher anyway being that you run a SWG. Your vacation would be a good time to increase CYA via the pucks. Your SWG will work less with a CYA around 70 ish
Should I get a floater or can I just drop a puck in the skimmer basket?

I just realized this wasn't answered. Get a floater. When the puck is dissolving during times of the pump not running picture this: A stagnant puddle of water in the basket with an acidic pH of 4.0 and a FC of 100 (maybe exaggerations, but the idea remains --- Those harsh conditions not too friendly in such a small environment).
thanks. It's one less thing for the person who will watching the dog to remember to do. course I might tell them that they can swim if they add bleach every day. :) I'm pushing the limits of the SWG I have. I'd rather spend money on bleach than come home to a swamp, although the FC seems to be holding steady at around 4 with 0 CC.
I say stuff half a dozen of those 3" pucks into a duck, turtle of shark floatie. (personally like the shark myself). Keep running SWG on usual schedule... With that you will stay very sanitized while gone...... IF they all dissolve by the time you get back that will have raised your CYA by 10.8. You are at 50 ppm now... If you are operating in a 60-70 CYA level, you will actually have put yourself closer to the ideal range for a SWG and hence you won't be "pushing it's limits going forward.

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