wondering about chlorine consumption


Active member
Oct 27, 2015
Rancho Cordova CA
Started a SLAM Saturday. Up to last night the water was green and I could barely see the bottom. This morning the green was gone and water was clear. I am adding Chlorine per the chart here based on the FC amount tested. So, I need to maintain 16 PPM based on my CYA. I tested just now and I do it twice per day and I'm down to 8PPM. The water looks good. I'm wondering what is consuming all the Chlorine? I'm not seeing algae anywhere. I cleaned the filters Sunday. Is it possible they need to be cleaned again?
Has the pressure on the filter gone up? You need to clean it whenever the pressure rises 20-25% over the clean pressure.

You will lose a higher # of ppm of FC to the sun, the higher the FC is. So that is part of the loss, and there is still likely some algae in the water.
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